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New Labour - Money for G20 blogging.

Hat tip of the trilby to Dailyreferendum who spotted this waste of our cash from Hansard:
Mr. Hands: To ask the Secretary of State for International Development how much funding his Department provided to the G20 Voice programme; and for what purposes such funding was used.

Mr. Thomas: The total amount of funding provided by the Department for International Development for the G20 Voice programme was £49,700. This covered travel and subsistence costs for bloggers from the developing world; technical support and costs associated with the briefing day. Initial indications show that the programme reached a global audience of 14 million.
New Labour finding ever more ways to spend other peoples money...

2 people have spoken:

Constantly Furious said...

And what is more, as I point out here, the money was for bloggers from developing countries.

What the fuck? Surely, a blogger from the developing world is a just a little bit of an antonym? What next? Ethiopian Astronauts? Mobile 'phone salesmen from Sierra Leone? Eritrean tooth whiteners? Sushi chefs from Burundi?

Fidothedog said...

Anything is possible when it comes to their wasting our cash.