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New Labour filth & assorted pig shit MP's call in police.

We are not happy bleat the champagne socialist scum, how dare the public know how we are robbing them blind...Police were called in by Commons authorities last night over the leak of 'stolen' details of MPs' expenses.

The move raises the prospect of a criminal inquiry into the Daily Telegraph which published the information.

Despite the fact that it is our money MP's are pissing away.

Labour MP Sir Stuart Bell, a member of the Commons members' estimates committee, which oversees MPs' allowances, said: 'I'm very sad that a newspaper I've been reading for 50 years has gone into chequebook journalism.

Despite the fact that it is our money MP's are pissing away.

'If this was received by unauthorised means, it is disgraceful that a national newspaper should stoop so low as to buy information which will be in the public domain in July. It undermines the very basis of our democracy.'

Despite the fact that it is our money MP's are pissing away.

Commons bosses claim publication of the details, which were due to be released officially in July, raises issues of theft, data protection, copyright and the Official Secrets Act.

Despite the fact that it is our money MP's are pissing away.

A spokesman for the Commons said: 'The House authorities have received advice that there are reasonable grounds to believe an offence may have been committed in relation to the way in which information relating to members' allowances has been handled.

Despite the fact that it is our money MP's are pissing away.

'A report has been made to the Metropolitan Police asking them to consider the matter.'

I shall make this clear so that even the scum infesting the House of Commons can understand it. It is our money, we are not fucking happy at elected filth building property portfolios on our time and at our expense.
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