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Russell Brown MP - near £20K each year in "expenses"!

Russell Brown, the MP for Dumfries and Galloway, submitted a claim totalling £4,755.19 for the work at a flat in Dolphin Square, a few hundred yards from the House of Commons.

His claim, under his parliamentary additional costs allowance, included £2,305.19 for bathroom fittings, tiles and materials and £2,450 for the installation of a bathroom suite.

The MP was also questioned over the cost of the refurbishments, claimed for in July 2005, because the limit imposed by the fees office for bathrooms was £3,500. Mr Brown claimed that other MPs had renovated their bathrooms without a limit being imposed.

A week later, Mr Brown wrote to the officials saying he accepted the £3,500 limit for bathrooms, but £180.46 of the claim had been spent on maintenance to other rooms in the property. This was accepted by the fees office, who agreed to pay a total of £3,680.46.

Has blagged damn near £20K a year in tax payers hard earned cash, each an every year in expenses on top of his £64K a year wage, for being a champagne swilling socialist cunt.

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