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We have free speech, well sort of, maybe, em no.

An American white supremacist has been stopped from entering the country to attend a BNP festival this weekend.

Preston Wiginton was turned back at Heathrow Airport when he arrived for the party's Red, White and Blue Festival in Derbyshire.

The BNP's deputy leader Simon Darby said: "I know Preston, he is an American chap. He came to last year's festival and was coming to this year's but they wouldn't let him in for some reason. He wasn't coming to speak."

Yes, okay white supremacist an all that, maybe a complete arsehole, who fucking cares, in fact had he not been stopped who would ever have heard of him? So what ever happened to the old saying of "I may not agree with what you have to say but shall defend your right to say it?"

Oh yes, thats right I remember New Labour and their dictatorial scumfucks were elected in 1997.

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