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Ronald Reagan Remembered 25 years on...

Today is a very special day. 25 years ago today Ronald Reagan was sworn in as President of the United States. It's something all Conservatives should celebrate. A great man, a great visionary, a great leader of a great country.

A man who stood up to the "Evil Empire" and forced them to change, planting the seeds of the now free eastern europe that we now have. A video tribute to him is here. If you're ever visiting Los Angeles make sure you visit the Reagan Library

Ian Dale has a bit on him here http://www.iaindale.blogspot.com/

Would that we had some politicians in the UK these days with the strength and character of the late Ronald Reagan. You can bet that bearded grinning loon in Iran would not be plotting nuclear weapons and the death of Israel and would instead be shitting a brick and keeping his mouth shut in case he annoyed the US to much.
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