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David Blunkett - Tosser

In todays Sun newspaper, former Home Sec. David Blunkett was banging on about all those nasty judges letting criminals go free to cause more mayhem on the streets.

Yet hang on a moment he was in charge of all that when he was Home Sec., so what did he do? Well not a lot actually. Spent a lot of time involved in various sleaze, something about a nanny and a visa, oh and story about him being the father of some baby or not as the case may be. Aside from that he made a lot of soundbites, claimed judges were out of touch something which I always find amusing coming from an MP(a case of the pot calling the kettle black).

Blunkett in his newpaper article seemed to suggest that its all down to the judge, therefore should a criminal walk free from gaol after a few weeks/months - allowing for time on remand etc then its them naughty judges that are to blame. Blunkett reminds me of like Pontius Pilot washing his hands of the whole affair over Christs trial.

Blunkett ever the one for a quick headline or two, forgets to mention the tariffs that are in place from when a sentence is handed down. He again forgets to mention the reams of guidelines that have to be followed, and lets not forget the fact that judges are still allowed to make independent decisions and rightly so. He forgets that it was his government that has meddled with the system many times since gaining power and offers no solution to resolving the problem that to a large part has been created by their meddling.

A good bit on what happens behind the scenes:

A good law related blog:

Indeed the latest idea from the Home Office is that of electing judges, one can only imagine the high quality judges we will get, after all London voted for Red Ken Livingstone.

Late update:
... I liked this so much I reposted it...


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