

The National Debt Clock.

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PM Petitions - Sack Scotland.

As the person responsible for introducing the immigration rules concerning employing illegal immigrants the fact that Baroness Scotland herself employed an illegal immigrant means she must either resign or be sacked ! If a small business was found to be employing such people they would be heavily fined.It cannot be one rule for MPs and another rule for the rest of the population.She must GO !

I see that the Tongan illegal as well as helping police with their inquiries, has also got Max Clifford on her team. Expect this story to run and run and run.

If the worker who is in the caring hands of Mr Clifford was here illegally then she would not have had the right documents as demanded by Home Office regulations. Therefore Baroness Scotland could not have 'seen the documents as they did not in fact exist.

Not a case of neglecting to copy them which as she and others argue is a 'technical' breach of the law', but instead it is a case of out and out lying on her part.

Time for more antidepressants for Gordon methinks, after all its party time for Labour and the leader must be seen smiling :-)....

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