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Free Thought & some bits on "Carpet Kisser" & goat sex expert Omar Bakri

Now I have noticed that most people these days seem to lack any form of free thought what so ever, be it good or bad. They gain their opionions from the TV, and the mass produced consumer driven marketing that permiates almost every part of our world.

Here's a thought on that:

"He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice" - Albert Einstein

Heres a silly season site that amused me somewhat: www.blueflypaper.blogspot.com/

Banned cleric attacks 'cover up' - more inane ramblings from the cleric of bile
Omar Bakri Mohammed
Omar "Carpet Kisser" Bakri Mohammed needs to go to update those crap glasses.
A banned (but still alive I am sorry to report) Muslim cleric has accused the government of targeting Islamic radicals to "cover up" for its failure to find the 7 July attacks' mastermind.

Omar Bakri Mohammed also blamed "pressure" put on the UK's Muslims by the government for the attacks.

In an interview with Sky News from Beirut, he also said he had no intention of returning to the UK.

The Home Office said he had been excluded from the UK because "he was not conducive to the public good - see Govt really means to say he is a total wanker".

A spokeswoman said: "The Home Office has cancelled his indefinite leave to remain." - In the words of the late Alan Clark MP - "Piss off back to bongoland"

Mr Mohammed, who lived in the UK for 20 years(without every breaking into a sweat and doing a days work), left last month on what he described as a holiday to see his mother in Beirut.

The self-styled "sheikh" ran the radical al-Muhajiroun group from Tottenham, north London, until it was disbanded last year.

He is famous for praising the 9/11 hijackers as the "magnificent 19".

'Own failure'

While he was out of the country, Home Secretary Charles Clarke used existing powers to exclude him.

Mr Mohammed told Sky: "After the bombings on July 7, I think the British Government adopted a policy to cover up their own failure to find who was the one behind the bombings.

"They started to accuse the so-called extremists - and unfortunately some people buy it from them."

He also accused Mr Clarke of "putting pressure on the Muslim community".

"And too much pressure will create explosive," he said. "It happened on the 7th of July because of your pressures".

The radical preacher also said he "really loved" the UK, but would not return because of "evil policies adopted by the British Government". What he means to say is that he loves our benefits system, loves the free handouts and car he blagged off the state.

He also said he "never used violence" in his campaigning. Mind he has no problem with other people doing his dirty work for him.

"It is a purely ideological, political campaign I used to run in the UK - and the British government are aware about that," he said.

The Muslim Council of Britain said Bakri had been "the bane" of British Muslims since his arrival in the UK in 1985.

'Sigh of relief'

MCB spokesman Inayat Bunglawala said: "You could almost hear a collective sigh of relief when he left the country."

However, he said it was now "undeniable to everyone" that the war in Iraq had made it more likely that the UK would be under threat from a terror attack.

He said it may have given extremists "added impetus to threaten our country" and may have contributed to the radicalisation of some Muslim youth.

"It is now up to the Muslim community to work in partnership with the government to regenerate discussion with these Muslim youth so they are not exploited by people who want to use them for their own violent agenda," he said.

Mr Bunglawala added they should be shown that being involved in mainstream politics and democratic policy was the way to "bring about change".


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