

The National Debt Clock.

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Why we need a Megan's Law in the UK. Told you I would photoshop the pic!

And I figured this deserved a post all of its own, as I spend a massive five minutes in photoshop doing this. Just look at the chap on the end with the cheesey grin!!! One of these works I am told for the BBC - explains a lot about the state of that company.
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Muslims(found the basic definition of a rag - sorry as muslim on whitehouse.org and have added to it somewhat:

Muslims - Ravenous, blood thirsty, Moon worshipping descendents of the damned and hellbound son of Abraham (Ishmael). Gene Rodenberry modeled his popular Klingon race on the television series "Star Trek" after these real life barbarians. Following strange habits such as "carpet kissing" some five times a day, and you thought that Scientology was weird and fucked up. Now one point I would like to say is that Abraham - was a jew, so dont that make them jews of a sort, although highly confused jews at that.

The only real difference is at least in Germany they made the trains run on time, and built some nice motorways, oh and the uniforms were better.
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