Now its not often that someones stupidity gets to me and really pisses me off, but the thing that will do it when you are trying to help them and they are that dumb that they actually think you are not helping them and in fact going out of your way to piss them off. (Trust me they are not that important)
Had a classic today a woman called me to fix her pc internet connection and I then went through a list of possible faults, and one of the questions is: have you connected the pc to the main phone socket? Reason is that if the telecoms company need to test the line, they test the main socket only.
Well fuck I may as well have asked for her first born to be sacrificed on a high alter. She then argued that as she could get a phone signal on all her phones and that their was nothing wrong with her phones, and it had worked when she was on a dial up connection from the socket in the bedroom before.
So after stating that adsl uses a different frequency to voice calls and its a descision made by said telecoms company to test the main socket only, I think I am starting to get through. Then she states that she has never heard anything so "silly and daft in all her born days" and she then says she is handing me over to someone else.
Will I get someone of intellect? No such luck. I then get the husband - least I assume it was him - on the line adding his valued opinion saying parrot fashion that he can see no reason for moving the pc. So I explain it all again, whilst hearing her griping in the background like some parrot about to die from avian flu.
Finally they realise that they have lost this arguement - after about fifteen minutes on a local rate call that they are paying for - and then a silence decends, this is the I am now looking for another point to argue about I dont want to lose face totally silence. I was sure I could hear a large group of gerbils running on treadmills someplace???
Then they get it. Wife comes back onto the phone and complains that I am being "silly" in asking her to move the pc - and how is she going to move her scanner, printer, modem, pc, and all the other bits - yes she listed them - downstairs to the main socket.
I then point out all she needs is the modem and pc plugged in and maybe the screen at a push and the rest can be left where it is.
But I still have to unplug it all she whines. Yes and we need the telecoms company to do a line test....Cue her hanging up, not getting problem resolved, and when she finally calls back the next person she gets through is going to piss her and hubby off even more by telling them exactly the same thing.
** Another dumb ass below...nice beard dumbass, bet he looks just like his mother sporting that facial fungus....
THE HAGUE - A Dutch terrorism suspect arrested in October allegedly hoped to shoot down an El Al airliner at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport, a television program reported Friday, citing police and secret service documents.
Samir Azzouz, 19, was one of seven suspects arrested in four Dutch cities on Oct. 14 on suspicion of plotting a terrorist attack.
Azzouz, the son of Moroccan immigrants, was acquitted in April of accusations he had planned to attack a Dutch nuclear reactor. ...
Nova said it had seen a police dossier of evidence against Azzouz, including reports from intelligence agencies and a video Azzouz allegedly recorded for his family and friends before an attack in which he expected to die.
On its Web site, Nova posted what it said was a full transcript of the alleged video testament and other evidence. ...
In the video transcription on Nova's Web site, Azzouz was quoted as calling the Netherlands' government "crusaders who supported Bush." He also threatened "the Dutch people," Nova said.
"You saw the images from the prisons of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib, what they do there. You will be held responsible for this," he was quoted as saying. "We will, by Allah, take revenge ... you are considered soldiers because you elected this government ... We will spill your blood here as you helped steal the riches of the Muslims in Israel."
** Guess its have a swipe at the French day on this blog....
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