Release A060429a
MND-B Soldiers detain 2 men suspected of emplacing IED responsible for deaths of 2 U.S. Soldiers
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers April 28 detained two men suspected of emplacing an improvised explosive device that killed two MND-B Soldiers in Baghdad earlier the same day.
The two suspects were seen fleeing the scene of the IED attack and were caught by MND-B Soldiers and taken into custody.
Release A060429c
Insurgents flee, cache found
BAQUBAH, Iraq – Seven insurgents with AK-47s were encountered and engaged by Soldiers from the 1-68 Combined Army Battalion, 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, Task Force Band of Brothers and 2nd Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division when the joint patrol observed them digging at a cache site in Baqubah April 29.
Both elements pursued the insurgents who retreated into a palm grove. The insurgents then broke contact and fled, swimming across the river. No injuries or damage were incurred by either of the units.
At the site, an Iraqi police badge was found. Also discovered were four 155mm rounds, six silencers and numerous mortar rounds and hand grenades.
The munitions were taken to a secured location for further investigation and controlled detonation.
Release A060430aCombined Forces' raids net seven terrorists, more than 50 suspects
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Iraqi and coalition forces conducted a series of coordinated raids in the area Yusifiyah April 29, capturing seven wanted terrorists and detaining more than 50 other suspects.
The combined forces raided multiple locations based on information and intelligence regarding the whereabouts of foreign terrorists, foreign terrorist facilitators, operatives and leaders affiliated with the al-Qaida network.
The comprehensive operation was conducted to deny safe haven and to kill or capture foreign and Iraqi terrorists who have been operating in the region.
Over the past several weeks, the terrorists, most of them foreign, have used the hostile region as a staging area to launch suicide operations into Baghdad .
Iraqi and Coalition forces have conducted several previous raids in the area in the past few weeks, resulting in the death of more than 20 foreign terrorists; several of the terrorists were wearing suicide vests when the assault forces killed them.
In a related issue, officials have provided updated reporting that of the 12 terrorists killed in the recent April 25 raid in Yusifiyah, at least five, and as many as 10 of the terrorists were confirmed to be foreigners.
U.S. senior leaders praise courage of Iraqi people
BAGHDAD, Iraq (April 30, 2006) – As the newly formed government of Iraq makes progress in selecting its leaders, the Iraqi security forces are making progress in providing a more secure nation for them to lead.
During a press conference April 27, Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, MNF-I spokesman, expressed great optimism in the progress being made in Iraq.
The general also applauded the courage and the commitment of the Iraqi people.
During a Pentagon press corps briefing April 28, Col. Rod Barham, 49th Military Police Brigade commander, also applauded the courage of Iraqi men and women. The 49th MPB is responsible for training Iraqi police.
Colonel Barham said he is impressed with the many brave Iraqis who are signing up by the hundreds each week to become Iraqi police officers.
He said close to 90,000 Iraqi police are now trained.
"Many consider the job of Iraqi police officer one of the most dangerous in the world, and the brave men and women of Iraq should be commended for having the courage to help Iraq in this time of need,” he said. “This is probably not just the most important job right now in Iraq; it is probably the most difficult.”
Although the 49th MPB has accomplished a number of goals in Iraq, the colonel said he believes their greatest accomplishment has been assessing the needs of the Iraqi police.
“Despite the challenges that come with the job, I believe that what we are doing right now to train the Iraqi Police will have a lasting effect on this country's future. Each day we see little victories on the streets of Iraq, with the police becoming more confident and more competent in the jobs.”
In another victory “on the streets of Iraq,” Multi-National Division - Baghdad Soldiers recently cleared major travel routes of garbage and debris to deny terrorists hiding places for roadside-bombs.
Operation Stallion Run, a nine-day clearing mission headed by the 2nd Battalion, 6th Infantry Regiment, was conducted alongside Soldiers from the 62nd Engineer Battalion, attached to the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, and Iraqi security forces.
“Basically, our mission was to move all the loose concrete and debris as well as some of the trash that has built up over time along the roads,” said Capt. Joseph Hammond, fires support officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 2nd Bn., 6th Inf. Regt.
Hammond acknowledged the great risks posed by the roadside bombs and explained that the successful completion of Operation Stallion Run will not only create safer traveling conditions for people on the roads, it will also help clean up the area and make conditions more favorable for people living in south and central Baghdad.
“Once this mission is completed, the ability to travel safely will greatly increase for Iraqi civilians, and it will provide security for the local Iraqi populace and Iraqi security forces,” he said.
In other news, Iraqi and coalition forces captured eight terrorists after a failed attack put the terrorists on the run April 27 in Baqubah.
A combined patrol was investigating a possible mortar and rocket launch site used by terrorists when a group of men started firing at them. Soldiers from 2nd Brigade, 5th Iraqi Army Division and 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, quelled the attackers and put them on the run.
The men attempted an escape through a palm grove, but the troops were able to surround and contain the terrorists as artillery and helicopters rained fire into the grove. Soldiers moved into the grove after the volley of fire and detained eight men identified as the attackers.
Two Iraqi Army Soldiers were injured in the exchange and both were taken to a local hospital.
The detainees were taken to a nearby military detention facility for processing.
Tags: MNF Iraq
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Iraqi Army
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