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The Religion of Peace - Not so peacefull here in the UK

Yes as if we need more evidence that multiculturalism has failed, today it has been all over the news that muslims have been arrested plotting to kidnap torture and behead a muslim soldier fighting for the British army.

What with plots to blow planes out of the sky, the 7/7 attack, the other planned attacks on London's transport system, UK nightclubs and whatever other evil plots the sick bastards in the Umma are no doubt plotting at this moment in time.

Getting back to this latest sick plot this has two main objectives, for two different audiences: The first part, aimed at infidels(thats us normal people who don't want to blow themselves apart), would be an attempt to influence public opinion to pull troops out of Iraq/Afghanistan and to keep our infidel noses out of muslim business.

The second point is directed at the umma, would be an affimation of Muhammad's command to kill apostates and to serve as a warning for any Muslim thinking about deviating from the sharia.

Of course will we learn anything from this? Sadly I feel that the answer is going to be no. The looney jew hating left(ie the New Labour Party or rather those of it who see themselves as "old Labour") will whitter on about including muslims more(ie its our fault for all being white nazi's who are decended from slave owners), some soundbites will come from the Home Office, our borders will still be leaking at the seams(illegals and criminals can come and go at will); oh and of course the usefull idiots of the Umma like George "AKA Mr Tiddles" Galloway will twist the whole thing and somehow make it out to be the fault of Israel.

Expect other moonbats to start howling soon on this, some possibles are: Sir Ian Blair, Vyonne Ridley, Norman Kember(never a darwin award when you need one...), various local councillors, The BBC and of course the MCB, and one can not fail to mention The Guardian.

Oh and I nearly forgot one of the best useful idiots, yep Tory leader David Cameron. This is the man who compared the BNP to Islamofascists. Yet to see any BNP members beheading people and posting the film of it on the web Dave? Oh and need I mention blowing civilians apart with home made explosives.

In short anyone with an axe to grind, eager to do down our fine nation and suck up to Islamopath savages.



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