So much for equality, from now on politicos will get to cue jump whenever they like....
This notice, brought to us by Guido, shows us what politicians are:
Access to Services
Before the recess the Speaker approved the Administration Committee’s recommendation that Members should have priority access to services throughout the Commons part of the Parliamentary Estate.
With effect from today, staff and other users should be prepared to give way to Members when queuing for retail and catering services, the post office, travel office or when using other facilities such as lifts, photocopiers, telephone cubicles, etc.
When using parliamentary facilities, please bear in mind whether there is, or is likely to be, a heavy demand from Members and, if so, try to amend your own plans or schedule.
Peter Grant Peterkin
Serjeant at Arms
Sue Harrison
Director of Catering Services
As was said in Animal Farm "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others."
**You could not make it up. The only hung Parliament I want to see is one where Rt. Hon. Members who agree with this are hanging from the nearest post...
Cue lots of comments from the politicos of "Don't you know who I am?", just like Napoleon from Animal Farm the elected pigs can now get their snouts down first in the canteen rather than having to wait in line with the plebs...
Tags: Nanny State, Administration Committee, Cool Britannia, Politics, amoral cunts
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