

The National Debt Clock.

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Total fucking horsecock: Pointless state fuckwittery.


This is the best that our government can come up with.

How about enforcing the existing laws on the sale of alcohol? No it would appear to be rather to difficult, so lets make a law that can not be enforced. A law that is just there for the sake of appearances.

What are parents going to do?

Report themselves should they break it?

Parents could be banned from giving children a taste of wine or beer at home under a Government crackdown on binge drinking announced on Monday.

Currently any child aged five or over is legally allowed to try alcohol at home under their parents' supervision.

But a review designed to tackle the growing problem of teenage binge drinking will consider whether the legal age limit should be raised.

The Government's Youth Alcohol Action Plan could also impose new limits on advertising amid fears that children encounter too many drinks commercials on early evening TV.

Chief Medical Officer Sir Liam Donaldson will begin work on new guidelines on alcohol consumption among under-18s.

At the launch of the plan in London, Sir Liam said: "The law at the moment says that you mustn't give alcohol to your child under five.

"We are going to look at the evidence very systematically and see whether it needs to be changed or strengthened."

He continued: "In the past, getting drunk was a right of passage for young people. But over the last decade or so we have moved to a situation where it's more than a right of passage.

"Young people often say that they drink to get drunk. That pattern of behaviour has become quite deeply ingrained. That behaviour pattern is undoubtedly linked to higher health risks in the medium and long term."

He added: "Ultimately, it's parents' right and responsibility to supervise their children and guide them and we want to give them every help and support in this task."

Fucking hopeless. I could rip this apart in so many ways, but shall leave it. It is so poorly thought out as a law that it mocks itself....


3 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Long term, - Let me pose you this scenario.

The "Religion of peace" detest alcohol!!!

New Labour detest Britain and the British, (other than for taxable purposes) - OBVIOUSLY!!...

Now in 2010, thanx to "Gordo the great" - and Miliband/cunt, Britain, as a Nation will no longer exist!!
Washed away into the treacherous climate of the E.U. super state.

Now, with an "All change Continent", - and as not to upset the "Religion of Peace", - Perhaps the banishment of alcohol will be the next casualty, of our shiny and new, "Go Continental Nanny State", - of which both Gordo and New Labour so patently crave.

At this moment in time, beer in Sweden is £12 a pint.

Now come on people! have a heart here!!.. - let us, if we may - spare a thought for our glorious one eyed leader Gordon, at this juncture!!!

How do you think he sleeps at night knowing that another Country has far higher taxes, for a consumer product?

It must be utter hell!!

Tossing! - (oh yeah!)- and turning, thinking of all those extra public taxes, that he could be frittering away, on (New Labour) "Good Causes".

Why not bring in "valid excuses", - sorry! - reasons, why we should ALL pay £12 a pint for our beer?



That way Gordons happy - New Labour are happy - and the "Religion of peace", (of course) can be contented that the end of alcohol is neigh!

and lets face it...

Fuck the rest of us right up the arse!

There will be no change there then!!

defender said...

They came for the smokers, but i am not a smoker so i did nothing.
they came for the motorist, but i am not a motorist so i did nothing.
They came for the gun owners, but i was not a gun owner, so i did nothing.
They came for the drinkers, but i am not a drinker, so i did nothing.
Now they come for me, but there is no one left to make a stand.
I am sure you get the point

Anonymous said...

And £12.5 Million has been allocated by the home office to offer jihadis councelling, rather than procecution.
we really do need a military coup.