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New Labour are fucking scum: Tough on crime?

Criminals who have already served more than ten jail sentences are being routinely let-off with community punishments when they offend again, it has emerged.

The revelations came on a day when ministers were forced to admit 36,661 inmates have been released from jail early to ease overcrowding since last June.

Of these, 111 are on the run after breaching the terms of their release.

In the first three months of 2006, the latest period for which there are figures, 1,254 of the criminals beginning community sentences had previously served more than ten jail sentences. It is the equivalent of more than 5,000 offenders a year. 

In the same quarter of 2005, it was only 920. And, in the same period of 2002, it was 568. 

There have been similar increases in the number of convicts who had served between six and ten jail terms and been given community punishments. In 2002, it was the equivalent of 6,220 offenders. By 2006, this had soared to 9,508.

David Green, director of the Civitas think-tank, said: 'Having ten previous convictions is overwhelming evidence of someone who is a persistent, parasitical criminal from whom society should be protected by any well functioning judicial system. 

'It is only because of political pressure that judges are not giving criminals the sentences they deserve.' 

A Ministry of Justice spokesman said: 'We will always provide enough prison places for serious offenders, those who should be behind bars: the most dangerous, the seriously persistent, and the most violent. 

'Prison is the right place for such people. 

'However, prison is not always the right answer for less serious offenders.

What the fuck are the Ministry of paperclips, sorry Justice whittering on about? They have ten previous convictions, that is ten times they have been caught, gone through the legal system tying up the time of courts and police - not PCSO's as they are useless pen pushing cunts - so can hardly qualify as misguided youths having a bit of a lark and falling into the hands of PC plod as a result.

It stands to reason that a slap from the authorities early on would encourage many of them to pull their lives together, instead they get off again and go right back to doing what got them before the courts the last time.

I would like that fat arsed, bovine faced empty headed fuckwit Jaqcui Spliff to pull her act together but sadly I feel that she is living proof that smoking dope in youth really does dull the braincells.

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

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