

The National Debt Clock.

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Taxes from 17.5% to 15%: Cyclops Brown spins & lies.

Some of Gordon's huigher earners....
Today we shall see spin as never before. Desperate to blame someone, anyone Cyclops and Badger will try to buck pass, dodge and blame everyone else for the fiscal fuckup the UK is in. 

An example is the talk of a new 45p top rate...

"The squeeze on the rich is aimed at avoiding any tax rises for the rest of the population."

Ah right so they plan to brake the pledge on taxes given by Blair, well not the first they have broken pledge wise and play the politics of envy. Oh and that promise of a vote on Europe, but I shall leave that for now.

Look they will say the rich shall pay.

The 45p rate will earn the Exchequer a maximum of £2 billion. Now as we have a tax cutting package of some £16 billions, quite how is the £14 bn shortfall going to be made up?

Iain Dale states:
Because if they have been specific about the 45p figure, they will presumably be as specific for the rest of us. Don't bet on it.

And I so look forward to an explanation of why, when the government was predicting a PSBR of £30 billion, they are now quadrupling it to £120 bn, giving Britain one of the highest rates of borrowing in the developed world.

But remember that we are best placed of all our competitors to withstand the downturn. That must be true because Gordon Brown tells us so.

Gordon Brown a man who makes me so angry I could punch his lights out

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

So the logic of Broon and co is that ordinary voters, many low paid, are going to forget the 10% tax abolition and 11 years of stealth taxes which have directly affected them and vote for him because he is going to tax the rich? I don't think so.

Fidothedog said...

Sadly a lot of the class warriors who all happen to be on the sick or unemployed will buy into that.