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Inside the so called mind of a camel shagging suicide bomber & more - From the BNP site.

News article filed by BNP news team

Getting behind the masks

This story gives us Westerners a valuable insight into the mind of an Islamic suicide bomber. It follows the last moments of a Palestinian suicide bomber who willingly and happily make the most extreme sacrifice. Although giving one’s own life so that others of ones’ family, clan and tribe may survive and prosper seem to be universal human traits, the concept of suicide bombings is a modern form of asymmetric warfare where the cost of casualties on the proponent’s side is low (usually the single suicide bomber himself) but widespread damage to infrastructure; transportation systems being especially favoured, and a high body count of the opponents can be expected.


The cost-benefit analysis, is well recognised by the leaders of Islamic extremism , Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, is simple: "The method of martyrdom operation [is] the most successful way of inflicting damage against the opponent and the least costly to the mujahidin in terms of casualties"

The strapping of high explosives around one’s waist with the intention of murdering the enemy was first seen in the Lebanon in 1981 and quickly adopted by many other terror groups in the Middle East, Turkey and also the (non-Islamic) Tamil Tigers in Sri Lanka.


Contrary to perceived opinion, most suicide bombers are not recruited from the slums of Palestine or Syria, most suicide bombers are not disaffected poverty stricken youngsters with no hope of a decent job, a decent house and a safe environment to bring up a family. Most suicide bombers are well educated, middle class professionals with a strong belief system. The recent terror bombings on 7/7 clearly echoed that observation. The security services should take note that the next Islamic suicide bombers who will assuredly attack some unguarded bus or train or sports stadium in Britain will not be hot headed kids who throw stones at white firemen or prowl the parks close to “their” areas looking to attack any unfortunate white person, but the quiet, locally respected professional who keeps himself to himself…..or as this story relates it might not be a male!

The story tells the last moments of a well educated Palestinian lawyer, a female lawyer! Some viewers may find the video clip disturbing but British nationalists would do well to learn more about those that seek to wage war on our streets.

Life saver - but only for the New Labour chosen

If ever we needed confirmation of the utter contempt that New Labour holds for the ordinary British men, women and children then today’s breaking story that Labour politicians are top priority to receive treatment against a potentially lethal disease must indeed confirm our suspicions.

A killer virus is literally winging its way towards the British Isles; avian flu which originated in chickens kept in filthy conditions in south east Asia was earlier this week identified in Russia and only yesterday Finnish authorities confirmed it had reached their country mostly likely due to migrating gulls. Migrating birds are the carriers of the killer virus labelled HN51 which has so far been responsible for the death of tens of millions of birds, mostly in Asia. Chickens have been particularly hard hit throughout China, Vietnam and Thailand but the flu attacks most bird species and has also infected cats and swine.

Global problem

So far only 120 humans have been infected of whom 50% have died, but health experts worldwide fear that the flu virus will continue to mutate and cross over to humans leading to a potentially global disaster along the lines of the Spanish flu pandemic which claimed 50 million lives worldwide in 1918. The rise in global air travel means that the most likely means of transmission into Europe will not be a migrating goose but travellers from south east Asia and China landing at British airports.

The British authorities are well aware of the potential problem and the enormity of the task ahead. Last month the Department of Health invited pharmaceutical companies to tender to develop and supply a vaccine. It has also ordered over 14 million doses of the anti-viral drug Tamiflu but only 900,000 are in stock and it will not be until March 2007 that the rest of the order from the Swiss based drugs giant Hoffman-La Roche is fulfilled.

So in the meantime a secret list has been drawn up of those selected to be priority cases to receive those drugs which are available.

One would expect the most vulnerable groups to be the top priority; pregnant women, new born babies, pensioners, war veterans and of course health workers.

Labour hierarchy top priority

No! Not in Blair’s Britain - the genuinely needy are ignored, cast aside and treated with contempt by this criminal corrupt, sleaze ridden cabal which runs the country today. Top of the list after health workers are Labour politicians and their dutiful lackeys at the BBC! The elite is feathering its own gold lined nest at the expense of the British taxpayers.

BNP commentators and writers have said repeatedly that the BBC is “Blair’s Broadcasting Corporation” which spews forth an endless stream of programmes which denigrate our national heroes, belittles our culture and identity and forces multi-culturalism on an unwilling British audience.

Now we learn that BBC employees are to be offered privileged access to the anti-viral drug because the BBC is needed to continue broadcasting during a national emergency. So while granny and grand-dad are lying on their death beds and young Billie and Katie are showing signs of the sniffles and coughing loudly, it will be comforting to know that we can tune into Eastenders, Neighbours and Holby City and be treated to and entertained by the wonders of consumerism, multi-culturalism and miscegenation.

Supply problem

In another display of contempt for the democratic process, it is reported that not even opposition politicians will be protected, which of course is one effective way to remove any official parliamentary opposition during a national emergency. The seriously wealthy, the men who fund the Labour Party to the tune of millions each year can of course buy their medicines privately from various parts of the globe. A double daily dose (75ml) of the drug is needed for five days and can be bought for about £40, if you can find a supplier! It is not the cost that is the problem but the supply of the drug, with production plants worldwide working to capacity, only 4M doses are produced each year.

Ken Livingston as far back as February this year, announced he had spent over £1m stockpiling 100,000 doses for key workers in the City; his race relation advisors, office staff, as well as the genuinely useful transport workers and firefighters.


This is just another example of how the entire process of government has become distorted to suit the special interests of a clique of corrupt Labour politicians who are practicing genocide against the British people. In their eyes the ordinary men and women of Britain are expendable and worthless, the only people they need are the hacks and broadcasters to peddle their poisonous message of political correctness and a private army of armed police officers to enforce their diktats. Workers can be brought in from the corners of the globe to work on the fields of the huge agri-businesses, in the remaining factories of the multi-nationals and to stack the shelves of the giant retailers, so ordinary British people, the men and women who do currently do those jobs and demand a decent wage for doing so and who have their set of values, moulded by the millennia of living a challenging existence on an island in the north Atlantic, with their heritage and their traditions are just obstacles on the road to the grand plan of creating a multi-culti Brazilian type society on the shores of Britain.

It becomes clearer with each passing day that the New Labour hierarchy are revealing their true colours, their true goals and are becoming more brazen in their contempt for the British people.

On a final note, those who are already receiving expensive anti-viral cocktails will also be protected. In particular those 53,000 in the UK diagnosed with HIV; mostly promiscuous homosexuals, immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa and intravenous drug addicts will be spared the wrath of avian flu thanks to the cocktail of drugs they currently use to contain the disease. How very appropriate for New Labour to look after its new constituents.

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Rag Head Carpet Kissing Untermentien - they have free speech yet some OAP on a CB radio gets nicked.

We are living through challenging times. Rag head camel fucking savages have free speech and yet decent white christian folks have to keep quiet.

File photograph of Saudi dissident Muhammad al-Massari
Dr al-Massari's radio station has called for attacks on UK troops - What a cunt he is.
Two weeks ago, it became clear that UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom could not take action against a London-based radio station, run by Saudi exile Muhammed al-Massari, accused of inciting violence against non-Muslims.

This came in the wake of the shooting of an illegal migrant worker that should have pissed off ages ago when his visa ran out - at Stockwell Tube station.

It seems our liberal and authoritarian instincts each struggle for attention.

So in this fast-moving, emotionally-heightened environment, how does the law deal with those who incite others to commit acts of terrorism? How about we tell the savages to fuck off out of the UK and go back to whatever camel/child abusing shit hole they came from.

Democratic society - something that Islam has yet to develop!

The Human Rights Act 1988 is the starting point for any discussion about free speech.

With the Human Rights Act, freedom of expression is not an absolute. Also for it to apply you need to act like a human being, not some 7th Century savage.

The Act recognises that we live in a democratic society and that any interference with freedom of expression must be carefully monitored.

But, with the Human Rights Act, freedom of expression is not an absolute.

It will be subject to such restrictions that are necessary in the interests of national security or public safety or for the prevention of disorder or crime. These restrictions may change from time to time.

There are two possible prosecutions for incitement of terrorism. The first is incitement to commit terrorism in the UK.

It is an offence at common law to incite another person to commit a criminal offence, in this case the criminal offence of terrorism.

Proof of motive - And the police and CPS lack the balls to act even when proof is there. (Unless your white that is.)

Terrorism, as defined by the Terrorism Act 2000, includes: serious violence against a person, serious damage to property, endangering a person's life - not including endangering the life of the person committing the action - creating a serious risk to the health and safety of the public, and any action designed seriously to interfere with or disrupt an electronic system.

Inciting violence for violence's sake would not be incitement to terrorism. Er yes it is actually.

But for a successful prosecution for incitement to commit terrorism in the UK, a motive must be proved.

Terrorism is particularly concerned with the following motives:

  • The action must be designed to influence government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public.
  • The action must be made for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause.

    Inciting violence for violence's sake would not be incitement to terrorism.

    'Considerable obstacles'

    The other possible prosecution for incitement of terrorism is incitement to commit an offence overseas.

    It is immaterial whether the person incited is in the UK at the time of the incitement

    The Terrorism Act creates a specific offence where a person incites another person to commit an act of terrorism wholly or partly outside the United Kingdom. The motives discussed above must also be present.

    The action being incited would have to amount to one of the following offences if committed in England: murder, wounding with intent, poisoning, causing an explosion or endangering life by damaging property.

    It is immaterial whether the person incited is in the UK at the time of the incitement.

    There have been no more than a handful of prosecutions for incitement to commit terrorism.

    The meaning behind a defendant's language - especially if in a foreign tongue - and determining the purpose behind their utterances raise considerable obstacles.

    Detentions 'discriminatory'

    The government tried to overcome these problems in its Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001 (ACTSA).

    This included powers to detain foreign nationals suspected of involvement in terrorism but who could not be deported. An example of this would be where there was a risk of them being subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment in their countries of origin.

    Just before Christmas, the House of Lords ruled these detentions unlawful. They decided they were discriminatory in that they only applied to foreign nationals and were not proportionate to the terrorist threat.

    The government had to think again.

    List of grounds

    From 22 February this year the detentions were replaced by control orders.

    Such orders can impose conditions such as prohibitions on access to specific items or services, and restrictions on association with named individuals, and on movement or curfews. They would not include detention in prison.

    Then last week, the home secretary announced a list of grounds for deporting or excluding people from the UK.

    These grounds cover any non-UK citizen whether in the UK or abroad who uses any medium - including preaching or running a website - to express views which:

  • Foment, justify or glorify terrorist violence in furtherance of particular beliefs.
  • Seek to provoke others to terrorist acts.
  • Foment other serious criminal activity or seek to provoke others to serious criminal acts or
  • Foster hatred which might lead to inter-community violence in the UK.

    It is, however, likely that these powers will be challenged under the Human Rights Act. Yes and you can bet the bottom feeding lawyers will be on the gravy train on this one. Que an entry from that poison filled viper Mrs Blair.

  • .
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    Some Good News From Iraq - (bet you wont see this in the gutless lefty rag The Guardian) - and money for car bombers?

    MUQDADIYAH, IRAQ – In the fertile “bread basket” of central Iraq’s Diyala valley, roadside-bomb attacks have nearly stopped.

    The breadbasket borders the notorious “Sunni triangle,” the mainly Sunni Arab swath of north-central Iraq where the insurgency started in 2003, and where it has proven most enduring ever since.

    Yet Diyala province could be among the first areas handed over to full Iraqi security control. Planned reductions of US-led coalition forces, which numbered 161,500 in July, might begin as early as next year – depending on political conditions, as well as the readiness of Iraqi military units, US commanders say.

    About 79,900 Iraqi Army soldiers and national guardsmen have been counted as being “operational” in August, according to the Brookings Institution’s Iraq Index. The stated US goal is to train another 18,639 troops.

    “In the Sunni triangle, Diyala is well ahead of the others,” according to Col. Steven Salazar, US brigade commander for northeastern Iraq.

    Iraqi troops still rely heavily on US support, from planning raids, to stand-by air support in case things turn bad, to detainee processing. But the Iraqi 2/2 Battalion is ready for its training wheels to come off, most US liaison officers say.

    Theya agrees: “Right now we have the ability to do this on our own.”

    The 2/2 is hardly like an American battalion. Its troops conduct patrols in unarmored pickup trucks, and the chain of command is still too top-heavy, in the American view.

    However, an Iraqi formation can fight the insurgents in an efficient manner, Theya says. “We have a dialogue with people. If I find an explosive device, we’ll close the road, and also close all the shops along it,” he says. “So if people work with us, they help themselves.”

    Similar tactics by US troops tend to feed local hostility. Iraqi soldiers are inherently less provocative, Theya says, citing cultural affinities among all Arab Iraqis, whether Sunni or Shiite.

    Nothing better to boost the pride of a people than seeing your own filling the uniforms on the streets. That’s not, contrary to what the defeatist and seditionist Loony Left say, the same as “hating the occupiers.” It’s called pride, and a people without pride is a people destined for the ash heap of history.

    30th August 2005 - News article filed by BNP news team

    Cash for Muslims call by TUC leader

    TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber has sparked racial tensions in the Beeston area of Leeds by holding a conference at the Beeston Hamara Center with Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim leaders in which he called for pots of government cash to be poured in to the Muslim community in Leeds.

    Much to the anger of other members of the local community, Mr. Barber stated that millions of pounds in funding must be urgently diverted to the Muslim community in Beeston to prevent the conditions that lead to the suicide bombings.


    A radio phone in on the subject on Liz Green show on BBC radio Leeds was forced to divert from the subject as angry residents from Beeston bombarded the switchboard with fury at the call for Muslim only money from Mr. Barber.

    One local caller to the show pointed out that it was probably government funding which enabled Mohammad Sidique Khan to entice his accomplices to the basement of the Hardy Street mosque where he ran a gym and fed his desire to kill the British people.

    Condemnation was forthcoming from Sikh and Hindu groups as well as the white community of Beeston. We spoke to one resident of Beeston called James who told us "That if I were to call for government money to be given to white people only, I would be thrown in jail".

    Unfortunately we were moved on by the local police who still maintain a highly visible presence in the area following the bombings, before we could set up our video equipment and record the comments of many angry residents.

    Brendan Barber has obviously let the sun go to his head with his bizarre government driven statements of racially motivated cash for the Muslim community and I am sure many members of unions represented by Mr. Barber will wonder why he is not busy doing what he is designated to do and protecting the rights and jobs of British workers which are haemorrhaging from our country instead of enhancing divisions in the already troubled community.

    And here we have the latest on the refit of the Diana fountain. Here we can see workers busy filling it up.
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    Freedom of Speech - Not Likely.

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    One Looney Born Everyday. Adam Curtis the terrorists friend.

    Found this article that I have copied below in the Guardian. This idiot Adam Curtis clams that there is no Islamonazi terror network, and the poor muslims are all mis understood. Still what do you expect from some gutless new age leftie that works for the BBC, and that has his inane fantasy ramblings published in The Guardian.

    The article is copied below:

    Rules that would guide the deportation of alleged terrorist sympathisers were published by the government last week. It is a key part of their attempt to deal with the "evil ideology" of Islamism and its role in inspiring terrorist attacks on our country. But there is growing unease about whether this response is right or will be effective in stopping future attacks. There is an even more serious fear that we might be making the situation worse.

    Creating Islamist phantoms

    We dreamed up 'al-Qaida'. Let's not do it again with 'evil ideology'

    Adam Curtis
    Tuesday August 30, 2005
    The Guardian

    Rules that would guide the deportation of alleged terrorist sympathisers were published by the government last week. It is a key part of their attempt to deal with the "evil ideology" of Islamism and its role in inspiring terrorist attacks on our country. But there is growing unease about whether this response is right or will be effective in stopping future attacks. There is an even more serious fear that we might be making the situation worse.

    This is exactly what happened in the reaction to the attacks on America in 2001. For years after 9/11 we were told that we faced a powerful, well-organised enemy, who had established a centrally coordinated command structure that needed to be sought out and crushed. We went storming into Iraq to prevent a rogue state from supplying WMD to this organisation. This would make the world a safer place. But the enemy was not an organised network, and going into Iraq has done the opposite of what we intended. Our actions have inspired resentment throughout the Middle East and Iraq is now the world centre of terrorist activity.

    Last year I made a series of documentaries for the BBC, The Power of Nightmares, which showed how a fantasy image of the "al-Qaida" organisation was created. The films told how the response to the shocking events of September 11 2001 swung out of control, and the threat became exaggerated to a dangerous level. Although there was a serious terrorist threat, the films criticised the apocalyptic vision of what lay behind it - the "nightmare" of a uniquely powerful network, unlike any previous terrorist danger and capable of overwhelming our society and our democracy.

    The Power of Nightmares said bluntly that this was a fantasy. The real threat came not from a network, but from individuals and groups linked only by an idea. Our energies were going into fighting a phantom enemy. We were looking for a network that didn't exist when we should have been dealing with an idea that does.

    The evidence we have of what lies behind the London bombings confirms that this was the real nature of the threat. It is fascinating to see how suddenly all the terror "experts" have changed their tune. For three years they told us breathlessly about a terrifying global network. Now, suddenly, it has gone away and been replaced by "an evil ideology" that inspires young, angry Muslim males in our own society.

    It is good that we now all agree on the nature of the threat, but there remains a danger that the "idea" will be simplified, exaggerated and distorted just as the "network" was, and that in this mood of fear the government will bring in policies that will alienate young Muslims further and drive them towards dangerous extremism.

    Modern Islamism is a complex political movement with a history that goes back more than 50 years. Its most influential ideologist was an Egyptian school inspector, Sayyid Qutb. In the 50s he wrote a series of books that put forward a powerful critique of modern western culture and democracy, and called for a new type of utopian society in Muslim lands in which Islam would play a central political role.

    Out of this has come a movement for revolutionary change in the Islamic world that includes an extraordinary range of groupings and variations on Qutb's original arguments. It is only a tiny minority in the Islamist movement who have developed these ideas into a politics that advocates terrorism against the west. Historians of Islamism have shown that this minority, grouped initially around Osama bin Laden and Ayman Zawahiri in the late 90s, turned to attacking the west only because of the failure of the wider movement to achieve its revolutionary aims in the Muslim world.

    We must be aware of this distinction so as to avoid a witch-hunt against the whole Islamist movement. We may not agree with its reactionary vision of the political use of Islam and the pessimistic, anti-progressive beliefs that lie at the heart of Qutb's teachings, but it is essential to realise that there is no inherent link between these ideas and terrorism. There are worrying signs that journalists are confusing the murderous beliefs of a genuinely destructive minority with the political ideas of a much wider movement. By lumping Islamism into a frightening, violent, anti-western movement led by the "preachers of hate", they risk exaggerating and distorting the threat yet again.

    The real danger is that, by suppressing Islamism, we will make its ideas more attractive to already marginalised young men. In the process we may inadvertently drive them further towards the extreme militant wings of the movement, and prove yet again the old adage that the real threat to democracy from terrorism is not the action but the reaction.

    · Adam Curtis wrote and produced The Power of Nightmares: the Rise of the Politics of Fear, which was broadcast on BBC2 last October


    ** Now at this I will add what about the thousands of fighters who have swarmed from all over the Islamic world on some sort of Jihad to fight the western troops in Iraq. A few individuals, not likely? Add to that the filth we got back from the Americans, our so called British nationals who had been picked up playing terrorists in Afganistan. They Islamonazis are well armed, well organised and planning to wipe us so called Kafir off the face of the earth.

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    Browsers + The End of the Bank Holidays?

    I have noticed that some sites still seem to have a problem using any other browser than IE. Why cant they update their software so that you can use another alternate browser.

    One I have found is the The Guardian newspaper. Great in Opera, but both Firefox and Netscape both have a problem with it! One friend has also informed me that he has to use IE to log onto Halifax, so his bank are in effect forcing him to use the most insecure browser on the market. (so much for internet security)

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    Now as I enjoyed the Bank Holiday Monday, I was sat down reading the paper and noticed that a certain high street bank that I wont mention, ok then Lloyds Tsb have started to open branches on the bank holiday.

    The article pointed out that this may led to the eventual decine of the bank holiday as other banks will have to follow TSB's lead in this. Seems a shame that the greed of a multinational is such that they have to claw in a few extra pennys by opening on a national holiday. What next Christmas Day opening?

    You can bet that the next step will be to penalise any staff that chose to not work the Bank Holiday and insist on their day off. Of course any querys that they may get you can bet they will fall back on the old excuse of its all done "for the publics convenience".

    The same way that they closed down Newcastle call centre, and outsourced jobs to India "for the publics convenience." Truely what a bunch of money grabbing corporate whores.


    The Ghost of Gen. Patton

    Check out the link above, this is brilliant - the best flash video I have seen in ages.

    Me I think its spot especially when it states and I quote:

    "Millions of these sons-of-bitches are plotting as we speak to destroy our country and our way of life any way they can" - Islam the religion of peace, yeah whatever. Fucking barbarians unfit to live next to decent people.

    Yes as you voted for the makeup wearing closet homosexual Blair, you have also voted to allow thousands of people - ie Islamonazi's to flood our country and threaten us with death and the removal of all we value.
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    And a bit on some carpet kissing barbarians from Iraq: HIT , Iraq – Iraqi Army soldiers and Coalition forces conducting a dismounted patrol responded to the scene of an improvised explosive device detonation and searched the area, capturing two wounded insurgents Aug. 26.

    Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 1st Brigade, 1st Iraqi Intervention Force and elements of 3/25 U.S. Marines searched the immediate area of the explosion and found two injured terrorists suspected of being the triggermen. The suspects were in possession of three AK-47 rifles, one Seno base station, and one 12-volt battery. Both suspects tested positive for gun powder residue.

    The suspects were transported to a nearby aid station, and then later transferred to a hospital for treatment.

    Ok found this on some asshat in Egypt, sounds like he needs to take some time off and have a nice sleep. This loon wants to convert the world over to the Islamonazi death cult.

    Cairo - Osama Shaltut claims to descend from the Prophet Mohammed and the centrepiece of his campaign for the Egyptian presidency is a promise to convert the entire world to Islam.

    The 66-year-old leader of the Solidarity Party, who wears a broad smile and a neatly-trimmed beard, does not like wasting time.

    "Why wait?" he asks. "The whole world should convert to Islam. Now."

    Shaltut, the only Islamist candidate in Egypt's September 7 presidential election, nevertheless knows he will have to wait before he can unseat President Hosni Mubarak, who is widely expected to be re-elected.

    When he introduces himself, Shaltut requests he be addressed as "Sharif" due to his holy ancestry or "Doctor" owing to his PhD in accounting.

    His programme, he says, is threefold.

    "First, let's gather the leaders of all religions. Then, let's apply their principles and assess the results... Finally, let's proclaim the victory of Islam."

    But Shaltut admits such a process "would take around 10 years", so he advocates a universal conversion to Islam to speed things up and "for the good of humanity".

    And the link to the report on this loon: www.news24.com/News24/World/News/0,,2-10-1462_1760993,00.html/


    BBC Biased?

    Found a rather interesting blog, have a read of this www.biased-bbc.blogspot.com/ I have also put the link above.

    My view on the BBC is that it is a bloated organisation, full of jobsworths and die hard lefties totally removed from the real world, and playing some mad PC game where they are too scared to call a terrorist a terrorist. (See the BBC reporting on 7/7)

    On the subject of the BBC, I would like it to be modernised, but not in the way Rupert Murdock wants, that would be like putting Saddam back in charge of Iraq. Check out this rather good site on not paying out TV licence: www.tvlicensing.biz/

    Only other thing I am going to mention is the site Nanny Knows Best. www.nannyknowsbest.blogspot.com/ a good blast at the numerous jobs worths that fill our media and council halls passing meaningless regulations and the like.

    Are you a carpet kisser and travelling to London( you may know it as Londonistan). If you have been touched by the tar brush colour wise, you may be needing one of these.
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    Ok one more on the PC menance - www.pcwatch.blogspot.com/ - pc watch, keeping an eye on the dictatorship of the left.

    Still shall leave with this bright thought, that in another month the real politicians shall be back off their hols and Prescott can be put back into the playpen. We shall have some strong leadership in the country, even if it does come via Mrs Blair & her gay best mate Peter.

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    Bits From the BNP

    Calling the multi-culti fanatics to account

    There are about 18 homicides a week in Britain (853 in England and Wales, 108 in Scotland in the year 2003). Some are horrific murders of children by sick sexual perverts, others are vulnerable pensioners and war veterans murdered in their own homes. A handful each year are racially aggravated murders but if viewers were to believe the rubbish peddled by the BBC then it would appear that only white Britons are racist murderers and that a racially aggravated murder of a white person is of little importance. How many typical BBC viewers could name just one white victim of racially aggravated murder? On the other hand how many BBC viewers could fail to name the victims of alleged white on black murder such as Stephen Lawrence and latterly Anthony Walker?

    Let’s be clear on one thing, murder is wicked, it leaves untold agony on the victim’s family and friends. Murdering someone; black, brown or white simply because they are different is indefensible, wicked and a consequence of the failed multi-cultural experiment, so why then is there such a contrast in the media reporting of racially motivated murders? Why is there such a contrast in the reaction of the media, the police, the churches and the entire liberal-left establishment to racially motivated murders?

    Live coverage

    Just 48hrs ago the BBC broadcasted, live on its 24 hour news channel the full coverage of funeral service of the murdered black teenager Anthony Walker. Live television coverage of funeral services is usually reserved for members of the royal family, deceased former prime ministers and the occasional film “star”. Not only that but the service itself was held in Liverpool cathedral and the city council provided a big screen in the city centre to allow shoppers and commuters to view the service which was attended by the Chief Constable of Merseyside Bernard Hogan-Howe and Louise Ellman, MP for Liverpool Riverside. The life of this young man has been dissected and analysed by assorted hacks and television presenters, filling countless hours of airtime and yards of newsprint. The life of one teenager was tragically and brutally ended in a senseless attack and of course it is newsworthy and the nation should know the circumstances of his brutal slaying.

    Brutal murder of schoolboy

    However just 17 months ago 15 year Kris Donald was murdered on the streets of his native Glasgow in a cold blooded act of savagery by a gang of Pakistani youths who abducted him at random just because he was white, held him captive for nearly 12 hours castrating him, torturing and stabling him repeatedly before setting his body on fire. There was no service in Glasgow cathedral, no live coverage of his funeral courtesy of the BBC, no appearance at his funeral service by the Strathclyde Chief Constable and no appearance by the local MP. This was probably the most savage murder ever committed in Glasgow, if not in all of Scotland, the circumstances of the schoolboy being abducted at random simply because he was white, made it even more so. The family still grieve and three men are still in custody in Pakistan awaiting extradition proceedings to face justice in Scotland.

    When 32 year old David Henkel was beaten and kicked senseless in a racially motivated attack on July 23rd in Chatham where were the cries of condemnation by the press, where were the camera crew from BBC interviewing the victim’s relatives, analysing his life, his career prospects and family ambitions? Did the Chief Constable of Kent attend his funeral? Did the local MP sign a nook of condolences? Why does the very name of David Henkel not appear at all in the BBC online search tool? Why did not a senior churchman speak out against anti-white racism when Gavin Hopley, Ashley Hedger, Sean Whyte were senselessly slain by anti-white racist thugs?

    Worthless white trash

    We know the answers and we know why! The message coming from the BBC, the churches and the police chiefs and the government is that White victims of racist murder are nothing more than worthless trash, expendable cannon fodder on the frontlines of the racial war which has been brought on to the streets of Britain by multi-cultural fanatics who, like all bigoted fanatics are singularly selective in what they see, how they feel and how they respond to external stimuli.


    The double standards is sickening and this phenomenon is getting noticed, not just by the observant commentators and writers of the BNP, it is being noticed and talked about on the council estates where the white people are growing weary of being treated as second–class citizens in their own land. It is being noticed and talked about, just occasionally, in the likes of the Daily Mail and the Telegraph, not often but just one well written article by the likes of Peter Hitchens has a much greater readership and a greater impact than our modest publishing operations. It is being noticed and talked about by the more observant and cerebral members of the electorate.

    The multi-culturalists in the BBC, in the senior ranks of our police force and the government will not continue to get away with this display of hypocrisy and brow-beating. The more that the British electorate notice and subsequently talk about this disgraceful display of double standards the quicker the talking will lead to political action and the whole lot of the multiculti fanatics will be called to account.

    And lastly Orgasms from around the world www.humourr.com/divers/orgasmes-mondiaux.htm/


    Shiftless Nigger Carpet Kisser On Benefits

    Just been reading the paper today and some shiftless bastard - yeah he's from the Finsbury Park terrorist cell - has been shown for what he is. This chap swans about spouting hate against the UK, claims benefits and refuses to work.

    Damn now that annoys the hell out of me, as I refused to work the state would say I could go fuck myself. Yet this asshat carpet kisser gets a shed full of benefits handed to him.

    Wonder if thats what our gutless PM meant when he said that things had changed? Still he cares not a jot living it up with his gay best pal Peter, exchanging make up tips and the like.

    Yes this Jamacoon who converted to the Islamonazi death cult, says that he wont work as he hates the UK and wont contribute to our economy? Go figure. Hell let the bastard starve I say, if he hungry he can always eat one of his bastard kids.

    And finally a couple of pics:

    Some random stuff this fine Saturday morning.
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    This I liked
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    And a pretty young lady.
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    Men released after terror arrests

    The men were arrested on Chepstow Road near Celtic Manor
    Three men arrested by police in Newport under the Terrorism Act have been released without charge. The men, from Newport, were arrested under anti-terrorism powers on Chepstow Road in the city on Thursday afternoon and held overnight.

    Gwent Police said on Friday that after extensive inquiries, it was established that no offences had been committed.

    Security has been heightened in Newport ahead of a meeting of European Union foreign ministers there next month.

    In a statement, the force added that the men were arrested after police received information of suspicious activity in Chepstow Road.

    The statement said that officers "responded swiftly to the information in light of the current terrorist threat".

    A meeting of EU foreign ministers is taking place at Celtic Manor

    Security is tight in the Newport area ahead of a meeting of EU foreign ministers due to take place at the Celtic Manor Resort near the city early next month.

    The meeting is taking place as part of the UK's year-long presidency of the EU.

    Earlier, a spokesman for the Celtic Manor Resort said that the arrests had been made on a road nearby but that it was not within the resort.

    He added: "We are on a really high alert anyway and there are a lot of police around with sniffer dogs. "They've been here for weeks because we are hosting the event. "We couldn't be any tighter with security than we are now."

    What the future holds for us if we dont sort out our problems with the Islamonazi death cult.
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    UN Meddling In Our Affairs - So why do we give these people billions a year?

    Expulsions Illegal, UN Tells Clarke

    (GUARDIAN - UK)—A senior UN representative last night threatened to cite the British government for violation of human rights over its planned deportations of alleged terrorist sympathisers. Manfred Novak, the UN human rights commission’s special investigator on torture, told the Guardian he is seeking permission through the Foreign Office to visit Britain to discuss the issue with the home secretary, Charles Clarke.

    In a statement on Tuesday night, Prof Novak said that the government’s intention to return radical preachers to their countries of origin, even though some of those countries have a track record of human rights abuses, “reflects a tendency in Europe to circumvent the international obligation not to deport anybody if there is a serious risk that he or she might be subjected to torture”.

    His intervention came as Mr Clarke, in response to the London bombings, yesterday introduced a list of “unacceptable behaviour” which would allowing him to deport or exclude foreign citizens for glorifying or encouraging terrorism. Mr Clarke said the first exclusions and deportations would take place within the “next few days”.

    He rejected the UN criticism. He said “the human rights of those people who were blown up on the tube in London on July 7 are, to be quite frank, more important than the human rights of the people who committed those acts.” He added: “I wish the UN would look at human rights in the round, rather than simply focusing all the time on the terrorist.”

    But Prof Novak refused to accept the rebuke. “The UN is strongly concerned about terrorism and counter-terrorism. But there are certain standards that have to be observed in the context of counter-terrorism,” he said last night. “We in the western democratic countries, in the fight against terrorism, should not step over these limits by violating international law.”

    Prof Novak, whose investigations take him round the world, said he could cite Britain when he reports to the UN general assembly in October but he hoped the issue could be sorted out before then. His main objection is to the government’s policy of seeking memoranda of understanding from countries to which people would be deported that they would not be tortured. He said the memoranda were not an appropriate tool to eradicate the risk of torture.

    a true view of Islam
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    So lets see we as a nation stump up billions for the UN to fritter away on stupid projects and lose in dodgy accounting scams, and we shall say nothing on the UN heads involvement in dubious oil deals.

    Now they try to tell us what laws we can and can not enact. Fuck the UN, a total waste of time, effort and money. With people like that running it, no wonder they have not solved the food crisis in Africa after 30 years plus of trying.

    Damn we have not even kicked out a single rag head yet, and it looks more unlikely that the pussy bleading heart liberals will endanger our whole civilization by letting untermenchen savages live amongst us.

    And if you have any doubts about Islamofascism:

    A picture that says it all.
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    Terror Arrests In Newport - My Home City

    (from the South Wales Argus) - Link above.

    Three held in Newport terror swoop

    THREE Newport men were arrested in the city yesterday under the Terrorism Act.

    The arrests took place in the Chepstow Road area in the afternoon. The men were held overnight at an unnamed police station in Newport and were still being held for questioning this morning.

    Gwent Police, who initially asked for a news blackout, issued a brief statement this morning but refused to give further details until another statement was issued later.

    Police say inquiries are ongoing but did not say if anyone else is being sought.

    The arrests are the latest in a country-wide operation against potential terrorists in the wake of the London bombings.

    They come at a time when Newport is due to be at the centre of national attention for the next two weekends.

    This weekend one of the biggest celebrity events ever held in Wales takes place at the Celtic Manor Resort, with the pro-celebrity golf tournament. Among the big names taking part are superstars Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones.

    A more likely terror target is the summit of EU ministers being held at the Celtic Manor on September 1 and 2.

    Security details are secret but when G8 leaders met in Scotland there was a massive security operation with a ring-of-steel exclusion zone.

    l There was a major police operation at an address in Cyril Street, off Corporation Road, Newport, last night. Police refused to give details.

    ** And there you have it, no matter where you are in the UK you face death at the hands of the Islamonazi's. Still at least our beloved PM is safe on a tropical island someplace and surrounded by armed police, just a shame the rest of us have to take our chances.

    other links: www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1751908,00.html/

    Not much on this at the moment for obvious reasons, and here is some info on the people charged with the London bombings:

    Five Muslims suspected of involvement in July 21 failed London bombings

    Below is information compiled by The Muslim News on the arrests and charges of all those suspected of involvement in the alleged failed London bombing on Thursday July 21. According to Scotland Yard 39 were initially arrested, of those 22 were later released without charge. Five Muslims are suspected of involvement in July 21, failed London bombings. One is detained in Italy pending extradition. None of the rest of the 4 would-be bomber’s under British detention have been charged with any terror laws, instead all four faced charges under the Criminal Attempts Act, 1981, Criminal Law Act 1977 and the Explosive substance Act 1883. All four will appear in court again on Monday November 14.

    Name: Muktar Said-Ibrahim/ Muktar Mohamed-Said.
    Age: 27
    Resident: of Stoke Newington, London.
    Background: Born in Eritrea arriving in 1992 as the son of an asylum-seeker. Location of suspected attempted bombing: Hanckey Road on a bus No26.
    Arrested on: July 29 during raids in west London.
    Charged Under Sect 1 Criminal Attempts Act, 1981, s1.1 Criminal Law Act 1977 s3 (1)( a&b) Explosive substance Act 1883 with: Attempting to murder passengers and conspiring with others; Unlawfully and maliciously making or possessing an explosive substance with intent to endanger life or cause serious injury to property; Conspiring with others to cause, by an explosive substance, explosions of a nature likely to endanger life or cause serious injury to property.

    Name: Osman Hussain.
    Age: 27
    Background: Nationalised Briton of Ethiopian origin.
    Location of suspected attempted bombing: Sheperd’s Bush- Hammersmith & City Line.
    Arrested on: July 29 detained in Rome and faces extradition from Italy.
    Charged with: Association with the aim of international terrorism and Possessing false documents.

    Name: Yassin Hassan Omar.
    Age: 24
    Resident: New Southgate, London.
    Background: Born in Somalia arriving in 1992.
    Location of suspected attempted bombing: Victoria subway train between Oxford Circus and Warren Street.
    Arrested on: July 27 in Birmingham. Stun gun used to immobilise him.
    Charged Under Sect 1 Criminal Attempts Act, 1981, s1.1 Criminal Law Act 1977 s3 (1)( a&b) Explosive substance Act 1883 (same offences as Muktar Ibrahim).

    Name: Ramzi Mohamed.
    Age: 23
    Resident: North Kensington, London.
    Background: Information unreleased
    Location of suspected attempted bombing: Oval on the northern line
    Arrested on: July 29 during raids in east London.
    Charged Under Sect 1 Criminal Attempts Act, 1981, s1.1 Criminal Law Act 1977 s3 (1)( a&b) Explosive substance Act 1883(same offences as Muktar Ibrahim).

    Name: Manfo Kwaku Asiedu (was not one of the four men identified by CCTV film).
    Age: 32
    Resident: Tollington Park, London
    Background: British-Ghanaian and a son of Dr Kofi Kesse Manfo. Ghana’s Deputy Inspector-General of Police, in charge of Operations.
    Location of suspected attempted bombing: The charges are understood to relate to the discovery of a discarded rucksack at Little Wormwood Scrubs, northwest London, on July 23.
    Charged Under s1.1 Criminal Law Act 1977 s3 (1)( a&b) Explosive substance Act 1883 with with: conspiracy to murder and to cause explosions.

    Arrested and charged with lesser offences

    Name: Ismael Abdurahman
    Age: 23
    Resident: Newport, Kennington
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 and s4 (1) Criminal Law Act 1967 with: Failing to disclose information to the police about Osman Hussain, Yassin Omar, Manfo Asiedu, Muktar Ibrahim, Ramzi Mohamed and assisting Osman Hussain in evading arrest.

    Name: Wharbi Mohammed
    Resident: Notting Hill, London
    Age: 22
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 and s4 (1) Criminal Law Act 1967 with: Failing to disclose information to the police about Ramzi Mohammed, Yassin Omar and assisting Ramzi Mohammed in evading arrest.

    Name: Siraj Yassin Abdullah Ali
    Age: 34
    Resident: New Southgate, London
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 and s4 (1) Criminal Law Act 1967 with: Failing to disclose information to the police about Yassin Omar, Osman Hussain and assisting Muktar Ibrahim in evading arrest;.

    Name: Yeshiemebet Girma, wife of Osman Hussain
    Age: 28
    Resident: Stockwell, London
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 with: Failing to disclose information to the police about Osman Hussain and assisting him in evading arrest.

    Name: Asias Girma, brother in-law of Osman Hussain
    Age: 20
    Resident: Stockwell, London
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 with: (Same offence as Yeshiemebet Girma,).

    Name: Mulumebet Girma, sister-in-law of Osman Hussain
    Age: 21
    Resident: Stockwell, London
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 with: (Same offence as Yeshiemebet Girma,).

    Name: Abdul Sharif
    Age: 28
    Resident: Stockwell, London
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 with: Failing to disclose information to the police about Osman Hussain and Ramzi Mohamed.

    Name: Omar Nagmeloin Almagboul
    Age: 20
    Resident: Brighton
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 with: (Same offence as Yeshiemebet Girma,).

    Name: Mohamed Kabash
    Age: 23
    Resident: no fixed abode
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 with: (Same offence as Yeshiemebet Girma,).

    Name: Shadi Sami Abdel Gadir
    Age: 22
    Resident: Brighton
    Charged Under Sect. 38B of the Terrorism Act 2000 with: (Same offence as Yeshiemebet Girma,).

    Finally heres a bit on the scum looking at being deported, even though I think it is not likely to happen as I have said many times before:

    ONE of the targets of the Government’s crackdown on the preachers of hate said last night that he would not try to flee Britain or go into hiding before his expected arrest next week.

    (more on this at below link - times online)

    Muhammad al-Massari, the Saudi dissident, said that if Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary, tried to target him as the first to be deported, he would wreck the initiative in the courts. “He wants to look tough by picking high-profile people, but I am ready to fight him in the courts,” he said.

    Another hardliner believed to be on the government list, Yasser al-Siri, an Egyptian-born website operator, said: “I’m not worried about expulsion. My legal team think it’s impossible.”

    Mr Clarke said he expected to see the first of the extremists excluded from Britain in the coming week.

    Dr al-Massari, 58, who has lived in Britain since 1994, has been condemned by MPs from all parties for reportedly backing the killing of Tony Blair on his website and radio station.


    Another for the Darwin Awards?

    15-Year-Old Burglar Dies After Being Shot By Woman

    LOS ANGELES (AP)—A 15-year-old boy shot during a California burglary has died.

    Police said a 59-year-old woman returned to her South Los Angeles home Tuesday morning after a walk and was confronted by a boy wielding a tire iron. She shot him with a handgun she keeps for protection. The woman wasn’t hurt.

    The district attorney’s office will determine if the woman will face any charges.

    Authorities aren’t releasing the boy’s name.


    - Mortars land near your compound and you roll over in bed and think "Way off. I've still got another 5 minutes".

    - You start humming with the Arabic song playing on the radio on the shuttle bus.

    - Every woman that reports to your unit starts looking attractive.

    - Every guy that reports to your unit starts looking attractive.

    - You walk an extra 6 blocks to eat at the KBR [contractor run] dining facility to have the exact same food they are serving in your dining facility because you think it tastes better.

    - You actually volunteer for convoy security duty because you still haven't seen the country yet.

    - You start picturing your wife in traditional Arab dress.

    - The contractors have more fire power than the military combat units. [This is sometimes true]

    - You drink the water from the tap because you want to drop 20 pounds in two weeks.

    - Driving around in SUVs with weapons pointed out the windows and forcing cars off the road seems very normal to you.

    - You can put your body armour and helmet on in the dark in under 5 seconds.

    - When the organisation you work for has changed its name more than 3 times.

    - When you actually get excited to get a package that contains 3 pair of socks, 12 bars of soap and a Victoria Secret Catalogue.

    - When you start to enjoy the rocking of the trailer every time the choppers fly over.

    - Your thinking of buying real estate in the green zone.

    - You make the new guy show you his count down timer just to make you feel better about your time you have left in country.

    - You're in the Army and you start saying Ooorah [Marines say "Oooorah"].

    - You're in the Marines and you start saying Hooah [Army says "Hooah"].

    - You're in the Air Force, and you're on the plane home because an Air Force tour is too short to have been a long Iraq tour. [Ignore this list, zoomie, you won't understand it.].

    - You plan on removing all trees and grass in your yard when you get home so it will look more natural.

    - You forget there are other colours than brown that can be found in places other than power point slides.

    - The temp drops down to 102 degrees and you shiver while reaching for your Gortex jacket.

    - You have noticed a change of season, from long, hot and dry to short, cold and wet.

    - When you call home and your kids ask "Who is this?".

    - When you go on R&R, you duct tape your child to the roof of your car, hand him a pellet rifle, and assign him a sector of fire for the ride to "The Olive Garden." [Duct taping guys with rifles to roofs of vehicles is done in Iraq, as a way of adding firepower to the vehicle. Duct tape will stick anything down if there's enough of it.].

    - When you can comfortably shave and brush your teeth using bottled water, but don't mind showering in the "non-potable" local water.

    - While on R&R, you look out the window and find Nature, and you find yourself wondering who stole your sandbags.

    - When some of the contractors wear their DCU’s [Desert pattern camouflage uniform] more properly than some of your soldiers.

    - When 12 hours is a short work day.

    - When, during the BUA, the statement "DIV asked MNSTC-I for the FRAGO that MNC-I was supposed to publish, but couldn't because MNF-I hadn't weighed in, since they were too inundated with MOD and MOI war-gaming the JCC’s within the ISF to square us away!" is a valid comment and generates no questions from anyone.

    - When you start using words like "G'day mate," "Cheers," and "Bloody-ell" as part of your normal vocabulary.

    - When you have your opinions printed in the STARS and STRIPES more than 3 times.

    - When you step into any office and there are 6 colonels, 12 lieutenant colonels, 15 majors, and 8 captains supervising the work of 1 sergeant.

    - When you end every phone conversation with "Out".

    - When the weapon buyback program has become so successful that you have issued the same AK-47 to the Iraqi army 3 times.

    - When you can actually tell the difference between the sound of an exploding car and an exploding mortar.

    - When on R&R you go to Church and wonder why no one is wearing body armour or carrying an automatic weapon to the service.

    - You see an indirect fire attack take out a generator and get angry at the enemy for not hitting the one that powers your computer.

    - You see an indirect fire attack take out an air conditioner and your vigour to fight is renewed.

    - You yell at the FNG for shouting incoming when the rounds don't impact close enough to hit your tent with dirt. ["FNG" is short for "F'ing new guy"].

    - You know that you need to run inside immediately after any win of an Iraqi sports team to keep from being hit by celebratory fire.

    - You decide that for fun - let’s take a run around Lost Lake at Camp Victory to see if we can get shot at by the sniper.

    - You never worry about oversleeping because if the morning call to prayers doesn't wake you, the daily 0430 mortar attack will [most mornings].

    - The highlight of your shopping experience at the PX is to see that they got in a new shipment of Schick Tracer razor blades, and you aren't surprised by the empty shelves because you understand that the local employees used the ration cards given them illegally to buy all the goods intended for you.

    - When you send out your laundry and your whites become greyer, your blacks become greyer and your DCU's become greyer - makes it easier to sort loads...

    - You get offended by people wearing clean, pressed DCU's.

    - You decide that it is a better course of action to pull your blankets over your head than put on your body armour during a mortar attack - the Woobee will save you and at least you are comfortable.

    - You make a contest out of seeing who can wear their uniform for more days before becoming entirely disgusted with themselves or it falls to pieces on their body from sweat-rot.

    - You wonder if the fish served at dinner really was carp caught out of the Tigris or Camp Victory's lake.

    - A rocket or a mortar really isn't a big deal until the crater it leaves is big enough to trip over in the dark on the way to the latrine

    - You go to a social gathering and intermittent gun fire or explosions don't even cause a pause in the conversation.

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    And the New Labour spin machine go's into overdrive.

    Home Office minister Hazel Blears said that Muslims were concerned about disaffected young people and wanted to engage them in their communities.

    The Minister for Policing, Security and Community Safety was speaking after a two-and-a-half-hour meeting with more than 150 faith leaders in Leeds, the city where two of the four July 7 suicide bombers lived.

    She said community leaders at the meeting wanted to ensure imams received proper support and training, were able to speak English and that young people had the capacity to get "a decent education".

    She said these issues had come up "time and again" at a series of meetings being held in major cities to help the Government formulate policies informed by "local people at the grassroots".

    The findings will be presented to the Home Secretary Charles Clarke in London on September 22.

    Outside the South Leeds Stadium, where the event was held, Ms Blears said: "If you talk to the people here today you will find that very many of them were talking about how they could have a better dialogue with young people, how do they close the generation gap, and how do they make sure that young people's anger and frustration doesn't turn over into violent activity.

    "There are no simple answers. It's a complex agenda out there for us, but with goodwill and by coming together we can make a difference."

    She said she did not think extremism was a problem simply for the Muslim community, but for the whole of society.

    She felt it was important to support the community and "to give them the capacity to resist the possibility of disaffected young people turning to extremism".

    Referring to the Leeds community of Beeston, where two of the July 7 suicide bombers lived, she said: "I'm certainly aware this community has come together since July 7 in a magnificent way and I think the fact that all these people are here is a testament to their resilience."

    My comment: Well thats nice to be fair...but at the end of the day we need to crack down and crack down hard on terrorists and preachers of hate. Already today some mad mullah has been reported - and I shall say here that I am right and challenge the Govt to prove me and him wrong - as saying that the Government wont dare kick him out of the UK.

    Hell even some 3rd world goat abuser can work out that our PM lacks a set of balls and he knows his human rights as his overpaid lawyer has informed him of them. Add to that from the above article the spin machine is all ready trying calm down Islamic feelings, last thing they want is the little darlings to riot.


    The Perils Of Outsourcing


    The perils of outsourcing
    When BA sold off its catering operation eight years ago, it believed it was following an Adam Smith edict. But it forgot one important principle. By Steven Downes, Business Editor, Times Online

    Whenever there's a shelf to put up at home, or a small plumbing job needs doing, and Mrs Downes is beginning to get a little, shall we say, impatient, I refer her to the patron saint of economists.

    "It is the maxim of every prudent master of a family, never to attempt to make at home what it will cost him more to make than to buy." Entirely unaware of my personal shortcomings as a handyman, this was the view of Adam Smith more than two centuries ago. The same rule applies chez Downes today, which is also why we buy our clothes in high street shops and do not raise our own livestock or grow our vegetables in the back garden, and never do I attempt any routine DIY.

    Modern life is all about outsourcing - "What is prudence in the conduct of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom," old Adam said as well, sagely. But sometimes, you get let down by your suppliers, as the British Airways management know only too well.

    Outsourcing has become something of a dirty word, especially among consumers, such as bank customers or anyone who has tried to use the services of an outsourced call centre. Complaints about poor service have often followed stories of large-scale redundancies among British-based workers, who have been replaced by low-paid workers in various far-flung parts of the world.

    And the choruses of "I told you so" were also heard loud and clear when news agency Reuters moved one of its departments to India, and someone there pressed the wrong button at the wrong time, releasing to the world sensitive business data 24 hours ahead of time.

    This is a business that should have been put into administration six or eight months ago, but we have continued to fund it. We are no longer prepared to fork out cash from our pocket just for the privilege of serving BA

    But where British Airways has got things horribly wrong is by thinking that in outsourcing its in-flight food catering, it could rely on a single supplier - indeed, the very same operation that it outsourced eight years ago. And what is now at stake in the terrible industrial triangle of the "world's favourite airline's" dispute with caterer Gate Gourmet and the Transport and General Workers' Union is something potentially irreparable: BA's reputation.

    Gate Gourmet’s low-slung grey buildings at the south western edge of Heathrow airport were originally BA’s own in-flight kitchens. In 1997, as part of a £1 billion cost-cutting and outsourcing drive led by Bob Ayling, then the airline’s chief executive, they were sold to Swissair. Its Gate Gourmet catering arm was the second largest in the world, with nearly 30,000 employees in 29 countries.

    Swissair paid £65 million for the operation, and received a guarantee from BA that it would continue to use Gate Gourmet for ten years. As with so many problems highlighted within the airline industry, though, fundamental problems in the business were brought to light by the 9/11 attacks in America. Swissair went bust in 2002, and Gate Gourmet - its UK operations virtually unreformed as a business since the 1970s - was put up for sale.

    Texas Pacific Group, a secretive venture capital operation run by David Bonderman, stepped in to buy up Gate Gourmet. With experience of making money, and heaps of it (Bonderman infamously blew a cool $10 million on his 60th birthday party in Las Vegas), from airlines (Continental and Ryanair) and catering (Burger King), and with a captive audience and commanding market share, it seemed like a good fit.

    They got it wrong, and the experience with Ryanair ought to have tipped them off. Their £482 million investment has struggled, because despite air travel recovering, demand for in-flight meals has not. With margins under pressure, conventional airlines have slashed their catering on short flights and cut back their offerings on long-haul services. They squeezed their suppliers as hard as they could. Senior sources at Gate Gourmet suggest that when BA renegotiated its deal - as it was entitled to because of the change in ownership - it extracted a "double-digit decrease" in the contract's value.

    “BA out-negotiated them. They had enormous leverage, and they used it,” the source said.

    Gate Gourmet has been squeezed so hard, indeed, that were they still able to afford to place lemon slices alongside fish dishes in first-class, the pips would most likely squeak. Last year, Gate Gourmet lost £25 million, and this year, its losses were estimated to be running at up to £1 million per day.

    “This is a business that should have been put into administration six or eight months ago, but we have continued to fund it. We are no longer prepared to fork out cash from our pocket just for the privilege of serving BA. We have been stretched to the point of indifference,” Dave Siegel, Gate Gourmet's chairman, told the Sunday Times at the weekend.

    How counterproductive has this outsourcing adventure been for BA? In the midst of the peak summer holiday season, it inconvenienced at least 100,000 of its own passengers, plus countless others with associated airlines. With the bank holiday weekend looming, more disruption is feared.

    Analysts have today been slashing away at their earnings estimates for the airline. And how many potential passengers of BA have been deterred from booking flights because of uncertainties over the standard of service, or potential delays, that they might encounter?

    For although the airline has been working on contingency plans against Gate Gourmet going under - which may happen come 5pm today - it would struggle to find a replacement. Airline executives say that whatever the outcome of today's brinkmanship talks, BA’s catering could be severely disrupted for several weeks, with the long-haul business traffic that is the carrier’s lifeblood likely to switch to rival airlines. There is also the prospect of more unofficial industrial action in support of the Gate Gourmet workforce, action that could again see the airline grounded and its passengers left in the lurch.

    And the crucial mistake in all this? Ever since spinning off its catering operation, BA has effectively relied on the same, single supplier. The supply situation never really changed, just the mechanism for controlling it. Adam Smith would not have been impressed.

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