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Some Good News From Iraq - (bet you wont see this in the gutless lefty rag The Guardian) - and money for car bombers?

MUQDADIYAH, IRAQ – In the fertile “bread basket” of central Iraq’s Diyala valley, roadside-bomb attacks have nearly stopped.

The breadbasket borders the notorious “Sunni triangle,” the mainly Sunni Arab swath of north-central Iraq where the insurgency started in 2003, and where it has proven most enduring ever since.

Yet Diyala province could be among the first areas handed over to full Iraqi security control. Planned reductions of US-led coalition forces, which numbered 161,500 in July, might begin as early as next year – depending on political conditions, as well as the readiness of Iraqi military units, US commanders say.

About 79,900 Iraqi Army soldiers and national guardsmen have been counted as being “operational” in August, according to the Brookings Institution’s Iraq Index. The stated US goal is to train another 18,639 troops.

“In the Sunni triangle, Diyala is well ahead of the others,” according to Col. Steven Salazar, US brigade commander for northeastern Iraq.

Iraqi troops still rely heavily on US support, from planning raids, to stand-by air support in case things turn bad, to detainee processing. But the Iraqi 2/2 Battalion is ready for its training wheels to come off, most US liaison officers say.

Theya agrees: “Right now we have the ability to do this on our own.”

The 2/2 is hardly like an American battalion. Its troops conduct patrols in unarmored pickup trucks, and the chain of command is still too top-heavy, in the American view.

However, an Iraqi formation can fight the insurgents in an efficient manner, Theya says. “We have a dialogue with people. If I find an explosive device, we’ll close the road, and also close all the shops along it,” he says. “So if people work with us, they help themselves.”

Similar tactics by US troops tend to feed local hostility. Iraqi soldiers are inherently less provocative, Theya says, citing cultural affinities among all Arab Iraqis, whether Sunni or Shiite.

Nothing better to boost the pride of a people than seeing your own filling the uniforms on the streets. That’s not, contrary to what the defeatist and seditionist Loony Left say, the same as “hating the occupiers.” It’s called pride, and a people without pride is a people destined for the ash heap of history.

30th August 2005 - News article filed by BNP news team

Cash for Muslims call by TUC leader

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber has sparked racial tensions in the Beeston area of Leeds by holding a conference at the Beeston Hamara Center with Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslim leaders in which he called for pots of government cash to be poured in to the Muslim community in Leeds.

Much to the anger of other members of the local community, Mr. Barber stated that millions of pounds in funding must be urgently diverted to the Muslim community in Beeston to prevent the conditions that lead to the suicide bombings.


A radio phone in on the subject on Liz Green show on BBC radio Leeds was forced to divert from the subject as angry residents from Beeston bombarded the switchboard with fury at the call for Muslim only money from Mr. Barber.

One local caller to the show pointed out that it was probably government funding which enabled Mohammad Sidique Khan to entice his accomplices to the basement of the Hardy Street mosque where he ran a gym and fed his desire to kill the British people.

Condemnation was forthcoming from Sikh and Hindu groups as well as the white community of Beeston. We spoke to one resident of Beeston called James who told us "That if I were to call for government money to be given to white people only, I would be thrown in jail".

Unfortunately we were moved on by the local police who still maintain a highly visible presence in the area following the bombings, before we could set up our video equipment and record the comments of many angry residents.

Brendan Barber has obviously let the sun go to his head with his bizarre government driven statements of racially motivated cash for the Muslim community and I am sure many members of unions represented by Mr. Barber will wonder why he is not busy doing what he is designated to do and protecting the rights and jobs of British workers which are haemorrhaging from our country instead of enhancing divisions in the already troubled community.

And here we have the latest on the refit of the Diana fountain. Here we can see workers busy filling it up.
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