7 Years Today: The 1998 U.S. Embassy Bombings
7 August 2005: Seven years ago today mark the anniversary of the bombings of the Embaasies of the United States in the East African capital cities of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Nairobi, Kenya. Hundreds of people were killed, including a dozen Americans, and both embassies were heavily damaged and had to be rebuilt. Although the attacks were intended in part to kill employees of the United States government, and indeed killed several U.S. diplomats, most of the victims were African civilians. In the Nairobi attacks, 32 Kenyans and twelve Americans were killed; at the Tanzanian Embassy, eight employees were killed. The remainder of the dead were wither embassy visitors, people walking by or those living in nearby buildings.
At 10:45 local time (3:45 AM EDT), vehicle bombs parked adjacent to the embassies were detonated simultaneously. The majority of the casualties occurred in Nairobi because it was located in a busy downtown area; at that location, 213 people were killed and an estimated 4000 injured. As the Dar es Salaam embassy was located further from central downtown, this attack killed at least 12 and wounded 85.
The attacks had all of the hallmarks and were linked to al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. In fact, these bombings resulted in giving bin Laden widespread international attention and further resulted in the FBI placing bin Laden on its Ten Most Wanted list. He was indicted on November 4, 1998 for his role in masterminding the bombings. In addition to the 1993 World Trade Center bombing of 1993 and the Oklahoma City bombing of 1995, the 1996 Khobar Towers attacks in Saudi Arabia, and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, the Embassy Bombings are one of the most significant Islamic terrorist attacks that preceded the attacks of September 11th, 2001.
The response of the Clinton Administration to the bombings was quite restrained despite the track record of Islamic attacks against the U.S. and her interests. In response to the bombings, then U.S. President Bill Clinton ordered "Operation Infinite Reach," which was a series of cruise missile strikes on terrorist targets in Sudan and Afghanistan on August 20, 1998.
Investigations into the embassy bombings were conducted by the FBI and Kenyan and Tanzanian authorities. A list of suspects was drawn up and several men were charged for their involvement in the bombings. Interestingly, Saddam Hussein's official press in Iraq praised Osama Bin Laden as "an Arab and Islamic hero." Richard Clarke, a top Clinton administration counterterrorism official, asserted that Hussein had offered bin Laden asylum after the embassy bombings.

A free holiday for all carpet kissers.
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Just look at the beard on this goatfucker, its almost as good as the one his mother had.
(DAILY MAIL - UK)—An extreme Muslim cleric whose family have been living on benefits in Britain for 20 years says it would not be ‘fair’ to deport him. Speaking after the Prime Minister announced his clampdown, father-of-seven Sheik Omar Bakri said: “I have wives, children, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law. It would be hard on my family if I was deported.”
Since Syrian-born Bakri settled in Britain, he and his extended family have raked in benefits amounting to at least £300,000. He is registered disabled because of an injury to his leg during his childhood, and was recently supplied with a £31,000 Ford Galaxy under the Motability scheme. Bakri, who lives in a £200,000 home in North London, tops up his £250-a-week benefit payments with an extra £50 incapacity allowance.
He has praised the September 11 terrorists as ‘magnificent’, called Israel ‘a cancer’ and said homosexuals should be ‘thrown from Big Ben’. In January, he declared that Britain had become a ‘land of war’, and called on Muslims to unite behind Al Qaeda. He has supported suicide bombings and urged his followers to kill non-Muslims ‘ wherever, whenever’. He also claimed he has no wish to stay in Britain, but his family would suffer if he was deported.
“If they want to change the law and say that people who are here must live within the framework of those rules, then that is fine,” said the 45-year-old cleric. “But they cannot punish people by backdating it for 20 years or so. That is not a smart or fair system. Tony Blair should have charged me years ago if that was the case. He did not because I had done nothing wrong."
And talking of scum and low life filth check this out www.scammers-exposed.com/ this chap puts a lot of time into finding the coon scammers from Nigeria and the like and exposing them for what they are...thieves.
And then these black bastards have the nerve to claim they are all living in poverty, the only thing I want to end is Africa. Well enough of that time to cheer myself up, so here is a picture of some bird.

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