

The National Debt Clock.

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Hippys = Shit

Yeah peace you fucking retarded drugged up fuckwit.
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Now just look at the prime fucktard above. This like all hippys are a complete waste of fucking time and effort on the part of the rest of us. They cant handle life, so their solution is to get stoked up on drugs and well thats it.

Then once stoked up find that they are then incapable of handling a 9/5 job - as that requires clarity. It also requires a bath every so often, not once every ten years when you get that zoned you fall asleep in a thunderstorm.

Now that the hippy is unemployed - as all hippys are, they then bang on about being "free spirits". No they are bums. They also like to have the rest of us pay to house them, and flop houses everywhere are full on them playing the Yarbirds etc on crappy stereo players at full tinny volume.

They also like to be liberal, but this arguement can easily be smashed by saying that you need a police force to defend a liberal society. As hippys do drugs they therefore have had run in with the police, and as they dont like being fined/imprisoned etc they start ranting on about the police being nazi's. At that point its fun to point out that if the police were nazi's they would not be alive to complain about it.

Total wastes of space.


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