Ok now I reported that Lloyds overpaid part of my final salary and after many calls I have managed to get that resolved. Paying them chaps back and thought that this would be the end, but alas not.
Seems that I owed them some more money and had another letter (from the same department that wrote to me about the overpayment of my final salary) and so I signed the form so they could take that money from my account and figured as I have a d/d set up so they can take so much a month already this would not be a problem.
Er yes. It appears that communication is not a word that they have heard of and the chap who is dealing with this payment has now realised I don't have a Lloyds Tsb account and has written to me asking for a cheque. (Ever had the feeling that you have been somewhere before? As that is what happened before, and its the same department for Christ's sake!)
And no I am not going to get a cheque book and will get some account details off of him and get a d/d set up to give them that. Although that as its only a small amount will be a one off payment.
Fortune has smiled on me in the fact that I have a bank that can set up d/d's easily and in all the years I have banked with them have not made a single mistake. I wish the same could be said of Lloyds Tsb that when I had my staff account made numerous mistakes and never even had the common decency to apologise over it. Thus I was one of the few Lloyds employees that closed my account, and then had hassle off of HR who kept telling me (wrongly as it turned out) that I could not close my staff account and needed it to be paid.
Even though the company website we used had details on changing the account your wages were paid into. Anyway I now await the next exciting installment of Lloyds Tsb being unable to action simple requests.
And to cheer everyone up, hears some good news. While the real politicians are on holiday it seems that John "2 Jags" Prescott has been put in charge of the Cabinet's Cobra Emergency Committee in the event of further terrorist attacks.
Hurrah now he can respond to the Islamics and I am sure that when they know Mr Prescott is in charge they will just shit a brick. On the other hand we could become an Islamic Caliphate before you know it, er Allah be praised and all that.
Fat Lardy Cunt With A Small Cock
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