Today in 216BC Hannibal crushes a Roman Army at Cannae. It moved the Romans to fully explore and execute Marcus Cato's dicta "Carthago Delenda Est" (Carthage must be destroyed). Anyone know any Carthaginians? Nope thought not. Now we should follow in the Romans footsteps in dealing with radical Islamic terror.
For those not in the know, after Hannibal was finally beaten Carthage had to pay a huge price and for a while that kept the Romans happy, but there were stories that the Carthaginians were building up troops and ships - something they were not allowed to do.
The result, Carthage was sacked, the fields salted so no one could live there again and its remaining people dragged off into slavery. Me I wont be happy uintil I see a huge mushroom cloud rising from the remains of Mecca.

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