DAYTONA BEACH - Well done the USA for standing your ground.
A Muslim woman who wanted to wear a veil in her driver's license photo must follow a Florida law that requires a picture of her full face, according to a state appeals court.
The Fifth District Court of Appeal upheld a 2003 ruling by an Orlando judge that Sultaana Freeman's right to free exercise of religion would not be burdened by the photo requirement.
``We recognized the tension created as a result of choosing between following the dictates of one's religion and the mandates of secular law,'' Appellate Judge Emerson R. Thompson Jr. wrote in Friday's 15-page opinion. ``However, as long as the laws are neutral and generally applicable to the citizenry, they must be obeyed.''
The West is morally better than the Islamic world and will prevail, eventually. That in a nutshell is what Italian Prime M Silvio Berlusconi said while on a visit to the German capital Berlin. He made these comments in a conversation with journalists just before a press conference with German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Berlusconi literally said: We must be aware of the superiority of our civilisation, a system that has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights and – in contrast with Islamic countries - respect for religious and political rights."
The Western civilisation is superior, Mr Berlusconi added, because "it has at its core - as its greatest value - freedom, which is not the heritage of Islamic culture". The Italian prime minister predicted that "the West will continue to conquer peoples, even if it means a confrontation with another civilisation, Islam, firmly entrenched where it was 1400 years ago" - Well said that man, if only our willow the wisp PM that trys to be all things to all people had the guts to speak as clearly as that.EVEN CHINA NOT SAFE.ROME, Sept 6 (Reuters) - A well-known Muslim cleric accused by government officials of sympathising with Islamic militants was expelled from Italy on Tuesday after Rome invoked special powers to protect national security.
Moroccan imam Bouriqi Bouchta was grabbed in a pre-dawn raid on his apartment and flown to
Morocco at 10:30 a.m. (0830 GMT). The government said Bouchta was considered to be a "serious disturbance to public order and a danger to national security".Bouchta's family remained in Italy and said they had not been notified as to his whereabouts.
"They came in at 3 or 4 in the morning and took him away. Some were in plain clothes, others in uniform," said Bouchta's teenage son, who asked not to be named. "He didn't do anything."
SHANGHAI, China - Muslim separatists in western China have carried out 260 attacks in the past decade, killing 160 people and injuring 440, state media reported Tuesday in a rare disclosure.
The figures from Zhao Yongchen, a top anti-terrorism official, are among the few specifics ever given by China about its campaign to rid the western Xinjiang region of separatists fighting for an independent state of "East Turkistan."
Zhao, deputy director of the Public Security Ministry's Anti-Terrorism Bureau, said attacks and killings came both inside and outside of China, the official Xinhua News Agency reported.
One such group, the East Turkistan Liberation Organization, carried out a March 2003 attack on a bus in neighboring Kyrgyzstan in which 21 people were killed, Zhao was quoted as saying. He gave no other examples and it was not possible to independently verify the figures of the claim of attack.
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (AFP) - An explosives-packed car driven by two suspected suicide bombers blew up in southern
Afghanistan, killing the pair and wounding four passers-by, a provincial official said.The blast happened Wednesday morning as the pair tried to drive into the strife-torn town of Grishk in restive Helmand province, said provincial spokesman Mohammad Wali.
"Their explosives went off before they entered the city," he said. "We believe they were suicide bombers and were trying to get into the city to attack government targets."
Iraqi, U.S. Soldiers find car bomb, 3 terror suspects
BAGHDAD , Iraq – An Iraqi-U.S. Army cordon-and-search operation in west Baghdad led to the discovery of a vehicle-carried improvised explosive device in the early-morning hours of Sept. 6.
The operation, designed to capture anti-Iraqi forces cell leaders, members and financiers, also turned up three terror suspects who were held for questioning.
Soon after the cordon and search began at 3 a.m., a local national approached Task Force Baghdad Soldiers establishing an outer cordon and gave them a tip about a known terrorist in the neighborhood. The informant led the U.S. Soldiers to the suspect's house where they detained him and seized anti-Iraqi propaganda.
As the Iraqi and U.S. Soldiers continued to search an estimated 300 houses in the area, another Task Force Baghdad unit reported finding possible bomb-making materials at one location.
Two hours later, an Iraqi Army unit came across a vehicle with artillery rounds and explosives in it. The engine was still running and two individuals were found hiding in the bushes nearby. They were detained for further questioning.
A U.S. explosives ordnance disposal team arrived at the VCIED and then detonated the explosives. The cordon-and-search operation ended around 11:30 a.m.
Iraqi, U.S. Soldiers find car bomb, 3 terror suspects
BAGHDAD , Iraq – An Iraqi-U.S. Army cordon-and-search operation in west Baghdad led to the discovery of a vehicle-carried improvised explosive device in the early-morning hours of Sept. 6.
The operation, designed to capture anti-Iraqi forces cell leaders, members and financiers, also turned up three terror suspects who were held for questioning.
Soon after the cordon and search began at 3 a.m., a local national approached Task Force Baghdad Soldiers establishing an outer cordon and gave them a tip about a known terrorist in the neighborhood. The informant led the U.S. Soldiers to the suspect's house where they detained him and seized anti-Iraqi propaganda.
As the Iraqi and U.S. Soldiers continued to search an estimated 300 houses in the area, another Task Force Baghdad unit reported finding possible bomb-making materials at one location.
Two hours later, an Iraqi Army unit came across a vehicle with artillery rounds and explosives in it. The engine was still running and two individuals were found hiding in the bushes nearby. They were detained for further questioning.
A U.S. explosives ordnance disposal team arrived at the VCIED and then detonated the explosives. The cordon-and-search operation ended around 11:30 a.m.
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