Task Force Liberty Troops defeat terrorist sniper team in Samarra
TIKRIT, Iraq – Task Force Liberty Soldiers near Samarra responded to a sniper attack, killing a terrorist during a small-arms engagement around 4:40 p.m. Sept. 11.
1st Brigade Combat Team Soldiers manning an observation post identified two terrorist following small arms fire from a nearby house. Another group of Soldiers engaged the terrorists fleeing in a civilian sedan. The terrorists abandoned their car and fled the scene of the attack on foot.
After securing the scene, 1st BCT troops conducted a search and discovered one dead terrorist with a Draganov sniper rifle. Alerted by the Samarra Joint Coordination Center (JCC), brigade Soldiers searched for the second terrorist discovering a blood trail.
The second terrorist was not found.
Coalition forces detain, release suspected terrorists
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Approximately 2,300 suspected terrorists and insurgents were detained and 1,085 released from brigade and division-level internment facilities during August by Coalition forces assigned to Multi-National Corps – Iraq.
The suspects were taken into custody under the suspicion they were supporting or conducting operations against Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces.
On average, about 50 percent of all suspects detained are released after an investigation by the Detention Review Authority concludes there is insufficient evidence.
“There is a fair and impartial system in place,” said Col. Arnaldo Claudio, MNC-I provost marshal. “They are detained based on probable cause, and while in custody, they are cared for, adhering to established international standards in accordance with the principles outlined in Geneva Convention IV.”
Task Force Liberty joint operations capture terrorists and weapons
TIKRIT, Iraq – Across North-Central Iraq this past week, deliberate raids by Iraqi Security Forces and Task Force Liberty Soldiers resulted in the capture of suspected terrorists and weapons, helping secure the region for upcoming elections.
The 116th Brigade Combat Team of Task Force Liberty and Iraqi security forces led the way in deliberate raids in Kirkuk Province this week, netting several wanted terrorists, an array of exotic weaponry to include a Sterling light machine-gun and a bag of swords, and Ba'ath Party relics including outdated ID cards bearing the image of deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.
Fake police and oil company ID cards, computers, cameras, uniforms, two dozen rifles and pistols, three RPG sights, a land mine, information regarding the movement of Coalition forces, $2,300 (U.S.) and more than three million Iraqi Dinar were also captured in the raids, which took place in the North-Central Iraq cities of Kirkuk and Hawija. The 116th BCT detained more than a dozen individuals for questioning in the course of these missions.
Raids this week by the 1st BCT and Iraqi security forces in Salah Ad Din Province captured two wanted terrorists and seized two rifles, a pistol and several cellular and satellite phones. Four other individuals were detained for investigation.
Meanwhile, the 278th Regimental Combat Team of Task Force Liberty raided a series of targets near Jalula and other locations in Diyala Province , capturing five terrorist suspects and detaining more than a dozen others for questioning.
Some more Islamonazi moaning and whining below:
11 September 2005: An eleven-minute videotape was delivered to ABC News in Pakistan this weekend and aired this morning - the fourth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks - on ABC's "Good Morning America" "Yesterday, London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne, Allah willing. And this time, don't count on us demonstrating restraint and compassion," the man says on the video. Investigators suspect that Gadahn, pictured at left without the facial coverings, grew up on a farm in California, converted to Islam as a teen, moved to Pakistan, and attended al-Qaeda training camps to fight the United States. He currently serves as a translator and propaganda tool for the terrorist organization. In the video from last October, Gadahn threatened: In Indonesia, another two Christian churches in the capital, Jakarta, were blocked by Muslim militants over the weekend, forcing 500 Christians to conduct services in the street. Muslim hardliners have closed more than 30 churches across Indonesia over the past year. Our reporter in Jakarta, Marianne Kearney, says Muslim groups have defended the forced closures, often using the threat of violence, arguing that the churches are illegal. Church leaders admit some communities have been forced to conduct services in houses and shops, without the proper permits, because the local Muslim communities have opposed the construction of new churches. Under Indonesian law religious groups must have permission from local communities, as well as the government, before building places of worship. The tape features a man wearing a black turban covering most of his face (pictured at left), and called the attacks of four years ago "blessed events" before making terrorist threats against Los Angeles and Australia.
The eleven-minute tape is similar in many respects to the video aired in October of 2004 believed to be that of Adam Yahiye Gadahn, an Orange County, California native who is suspected by the FBI to be working with Islamic terrorists as a translator. Gadahn, who was born Adam Pearlman, also goes by the nom de guerre Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki and “Azzam the American.” He is shown at left from the October 2004 videotape.
"Allah willing, the streets of America will run red with blood, matching drop for drop the blood of America's victims. What took place on September 11th was but the opening salvo in the global war on America. The next attacks, he adds, "could come at any moment."
** Blah blah fucking blah. Same old Shi'ite from the same bunch of mad camelfuckers, pushing an outdated set of ideals onto a world that has left the middle ages behind. And on the subject of tolerance, here's what these mad asshats are up to in Indonesia.
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