

The National Debt Clock.

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New Shit From Microshaft.( Pic from sacred cowburgers.)

I have often wondered about recycling, where shit can be turned into brand new shit. 99.9% of the time its all well and good.
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However in the case of Windows I think not. Yet it will sell and I predict the following.

1/ An urgent security patch release about 1 second after it hits the shelves.
2/ Your fave program wont work, and you have to wait ages for an "updated" version to be released.
3/ MSN will rave about it 24/7 and brush aside all the doomsayers.
4/ Another patch will be relased aka service pack 2, as soon as the Microshaft engineers work out all the problems.
5/ It will be linked to all other Microshaft programs and bugger all else.
6/ If you buy it you will feel like you have been stuck in a cell with Big Bubba and he and six friends and made you squeal like a pig.
7/ Microshaft will bang on about only supporting legit versions and how piracy is helping Mr Osama and terror in general.
8/ Linux will still be overlooked.

5 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

You seem to be a stupid cunt.

Fidothedog said...

Hurrah for informed comment.

Anonymous said...

re anonymous. Not much of an arguement there is there, a quick flash of abuse and thats it.

Such a shame that you seem unable to construct a full and logical arguement to define your initial comment.

Anonymous said...

Are you implying that your blog contains "informed comment"? If I were to construct a full and logical argument (note the correct spelling) it would be completely wasted on you. Your blog shows you to be a borderline retard.

Stick to the porn.

Anonymous said...
