

The National Debt Clock.

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Updates & bits - changes to the blog.

** First off I have altered the layout on this blog, filed most of the old shi'ite away and am now going to put a bit more colour in the text layout. Not going to amend the previous articles, but the new stuff will have some depth to it.

Aside from the continual updating pics, the moon phases and other links to blogging bits and bobs, I have put on a html map that shows where people are in the world when they have a read of this site.

At the bottom of the page is the web pages referring to the site, and from now on only the stuff I have put on that day will be on the front page, everything else will be in the archives.

Oh yes I could not have put it better:
Why Mohammed was not a prophet:

One who claims to be a messenger of God is expected to live a saintly life. He must not be given to lust, he must not be a sexual pervert, and he must not be a rapist, a highway robber, a war criminal, a mass murderer or an assassin.

One who claims to be a messenger of God must have a superior character. He must stand above the vices of the people of his time. Yet Muhammad’s life is that of a gangster godfather. He raided merchant caravans, looted innocent people, massacred entire male populations and enslaved the women and children.

He raped the women captured in war after killing their husbands and told his followers that it is okay to have sex with their captives and their “right hand possessions” (Quran 33:50) He assassinated those who criticized him and executed them when he came to power and became de facto despot of Arabia. Muhammad was bereft of human compassion.

He was an obsessed man with his dreams of grandiosity and could not forgive those who stood in his way. Muhammad was a narcissist like Hitler, Saddam or Stalin. He was astute and knew how to manipulate people, but his emotional intelligence was less evolved than that of a 6-year-old child.

He simply could not feel the pain of others. He brutally massacred thousands of innocent people and pillaged their wealth. His ambitions were big and as a narcissist he honestly believed he is entitled to do as he pleased and commit all sorts of crimes and his evil deeds are justified.


2 people have spoken:

Mas said...

What? Are you mentally sick
Is this what bible thought you. You mother fucker. See i am not a bad guy like you but you are forcing me to use such filthy language. I had respect for america and christians but you r not worthy of so your mother must be a bitch who shall cry in hell " oh help me my rapers oh i mean the guys whom i reaped and you shall be burning with her you asshole dont just know about the truth then just shut up your mouth you kafirs, You r the one who raped our women who walk in parda in front of men and you people r the one who always cheat with muslims. We muslims are the one who spared you in the time of crusades and we were the one who bougt all the decipline. You hurted me so much that never again will i look on christians or jews the fuckers with respect. I know you will have no effect by my message but you shall realise in the day of judgement. You dont know the teachings of our Prophet i will not take his name in front of the fucking race of evil as it will be an insult.

Fidothedog said...

Typical moslem bullshit, just fuck off and die.