Family of a white man murdered by a gang of Pakistani thugs declared they were disappointed with the sentence handed out to their son’s killers.
Ivor Yates, father of 30 year old computer technician, Christopher who was attacked in an apparently motiveless attack in November last year, today told reporters outside the Old Bailey in London that the family was disappointed with the judge’s recommendation that the killers, who all received life sentences could be free in 15 years.
“We had hoped for perhaps 18 or 20 years, mainly because it was an unprovoked attack, very brutal and vicious."
Readers will be astonished to learn that Old Bailey Judge Martin Stephens said the evidence did not show the attack was racially motivated and that it was a “random attack”.
"Between you that morning, you attacked people of all races, white, black and Asian," he said.
"These, in my judgment, were random attacks carried out on people who had the misfortune to come across you in your drink-fuelled rampage."
Imran Maqsood, 22, Zarhid Bashir, 24, and Sajid Zulfiqar, 26, all from Ilford, east London, were sentenced to life imprisonment. A witness heard one of them say after the attack, "That will teach a white man to interfere in Paki business."
Savage attack
Christopher Yates was walking to his family home in Dagenham after celebrating a friend’s birthday last November. He entered the grounds of the University of East London where the three men knocked him down and kicked his head like a football, inflicting what police called "horrific facial injuries."
After murdering Yates, the three men, who had spent the day drinking in London's West End, went on to smash up cars and assault staff in a curry restaurant.
Ivor Yates told reporters: "Not a single day goes by without Christopher's memory being in our thoughts and in our prayers," he said.
The judgement makes a mockery of the MacPherson report which amongst its 70 rulings and recommendations declared that the definition of a "racist incident" will now include incidents categorised in policing terms both as crimes and non-crimes. It will now encompass "any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person" indicating that it was not for judges, jury or senior police officers to decide whether an incident was racist or not.
** Ok just look at that again, its not for police officers to decide whether an incident was racist? So who decides? You can bet had the thugs been white and the racist victim of that attack been asian the Muslim Council/BBC/Guardian would have been howling from the rooftops over the racism running through our society. Still at least these racists are off the streets for a few years, although you can bet that some moonbat liberal will start up a "free the 3" rant in the media and try and blame the victim.
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