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Omar Sharif, 27, and his 21-year-old friend, Asil Hanif, both British Muslims, slipped into Israel posing as tourists in April last year and checked into a hostel in Tel Aviv.
In their room they shaved their bodies "because martyrs want to be clean when they enter paradise", assembled the bombs, strapped them to their torsos and hid them under their clothes.
But before Sharif set out for a busy waterfront area he received an e-mail from his sister Parveen, 36.
It urged him: "We all have to be firm and focused with reality as time is slipping away, and there is really no time to be weak and emotional.
"Stay focused and determined."
Sharif and Hanif set out with their bombs and waited until the area got busier and there were more potential victims to kill and maim. Hanif detonated his bomb outside Mike's Place, a popular bar, killing himself, three others and injuring 65.
Sharif's bomb failed to go off and he fled, dumping it nearby. Twelve days later his body was found in the sea off the Israeli coast. "The circumstances of his death are not clear, although the post mortem findings are consistent with drowning," said Jonathan Laidlaw, prosecuting.
Parveen Sharif, a supply teacher, pleaded not guilty to inciting Omar Sharif to commit an act of terrorism and failing to disclose information about terrorism.

** Nice to see that multicutralism has been so sucessful in assimilating barbarians into western society. Seems that once they were hauled before the courts they bottled it and lacked the courage of their convictions to stand up for their death cult beliefs. Finally have another look at this....How asylum works
OK take a look at this raggy haired old goatfucker. Seems like a friendly old soul, a regular happy grandad by the look of him.... Well no, this is Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati who heads the powerful Guardians Council and is a close adviser to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The same bearded one told a gathering of Revolutionary Guards commanders, “Human beings, apart from Muslims, are animals who roam the earth and engage in corruption”. Guess we should be grateful that at least we were classified as human beings. You would have thought that a Nazi, sorry an Islamonazi would have classified us as Untermentchen.

Senior Iran cleric calls non-Muslims "animals" Sun. 20 Nov 2005.
Well animals we may be that engage in corruption but at least we dont have a long history of abusing goats and camels. Thats why they wear the long flowing robes as the livestock have got wise to the sound of a zip being lowered.
"Islam for Dhimmis" by Jay D. Dyson (11/20/2005)
4 people have spoken:
Fido, it blows my American mind the totally free speech in your society of the UK. In the USA, we have no "true" freedom of speech. We can say what we want and rant(unless it is to scream 'fire' in a crowded movie house), but when religious zealots (Christian, Jewish, Pagan, or Moooooooslum) start taking political sides from the pulpit or calling for attacks, death to (insert group or nation here), the US eliminates their 'tax-free status'. This has a really fast and really cooling effect on stopping assholes before they fuck around with people's lives. I only hope we can take Europe's lead and throw these camel fuckers out once and for all with out worrying about the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union who has proven themsleves time and time again to be the ally of the enemy of the West).
Oh, and if you want to learn some new Arabic phrases...here are some (phonetically) from my college daze when we had towelheaded pigfuckers at our skool.
A-Boo-kah-mo-ho-har-a....."Your father has shit for brains" (literally, "your father has brains of shit").
Oh-Mar-Tet-lak-min-gamel..."Your mother has sex with camels.
Oh-Mar-Tet-lak-min-tractor..."Your mother has sex with tractors. (The ragheads have no word for tractor since the last thing they actually invented was wiping themselves with their left hands instead of toilet paper...what a great culture!
Hope these phrases help to close the divide between the Modern West and the 6th century. I have personally yelled these at some rag-heads and believe me, they work. Make sure you are wearing running shoes.
Yes we have free speech but to counter that we have the MBC/Looney lefties/The Guardian/The BBC and a whole army of local/national government types that try to impose bizarre pc regulations on us all - illegals/gypsies and other 3rd world barbarians are exempt from this.
Our migrant problem is HUGE! Oh and our PM lacks the balls to kick out any aliens from the 3rd world - or anywhere else to be fair.
Cheers for the arabic phrases, not suprised that they have no word for tractor in arabic as that, like most of the modern inventions were developed by us kafir.
Still they are quite happy to use kafir inventions like AK47's/Semtex and four wheel drive vehicles as bombs against the free world.
HA! "Kafir". Love it. I am one of a very few yanks that knows what that word in arabic refers to...possibly since our Muslim problem is minor compared to Europe and the UK (see? Even I know that the UK is NOT Europe, but an empire unto their own). Kudos for not adopting the vile euro...please continue this even though I know Blair has in the past...the fucking tosser (no offense to you). I say that the ancient Chinese proverb (curse) "May you live in interesting times" applies today. The Tories are "Pull out of Iraq!" Chicken Littles, and Labour party is making the tough military choices...is this even possible??? What the fuck is going on?
When I was last in Great Britian (England, Wales, Scotland), I remarked about the Pound Sterling and the Euro. The typical response was "well, Blair is pushing us into it...what can we do?" I am pleased so far Britania once more "Rules the Waves". The euro is for the cowardly French...not Noble England.
I have a suggestion for England...America's oldest and only European ally...we have a bunch of Mexicans who are just dying to do low-level work 24 hours a day...how about if we give you some? Your economy will grow faster than it is now, your Mexican resturants will become "gourmet", and your CHRISTIAN birth rate will sky rocket. (I think it's something in the jalapeno peppers they eat).
Anything is better than MUSLIMS.
Oh! And they eat pork and love DOGS, something the muslim slime have neither use for.
Have to pass on the Mexicans, we have our own UK Mexicans - they are called Poles. They come from the former Eastern Europe work hard and pay their taxes.
Blair & the cowards in his Govt are giving up gradually on the Euro. Mind they know come the next election they will be out in the cold or have such a reduced majority as to have no real power at all.
Forget the EU shit most people in the UK know the US is the only ally worth a shit who will back our country in times of crisis (WW1-WW2-Falklands etc etc)- after all are we going to ever trust the French???
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