Lately we have been hearing a lot about getting tough on terror and crime and all the rest of it from the New Labour Govt, and it all sounds very tough, yet when you look at it you quickly realise that its all smoke and mirrors.
The first part is the ID cards - utterly pointless as even the head of the our spys Stella Rimington has said that it wont help to reduce crime, yet alone terrorism. Put that down as an expensive feel good factor from the UK Govt, that we have to pay for out of our taxes.
Then the next bit the nice soundbites on tightening up on illegal migration. All this in a week when one illegal who got caught is now getting legal aid to sue for being detained at a centre designed to hold illegal migrants - Seems the chap wants £50,000 and you can bet that a crack team of bottom feeding human rights lawyers will get it for him and he wont be deported either. Add to that several of the suspects hauled in over the murder of a policewoman in the UK were illegal migrants, and you can bet they will plead "stress" or somesuch nonsense to stay in the UK.
Add to this the recent defeat on the 90 day internment, where our politicos decided to score points off the government rather than push through the terror bill that the police had asked for. Although I have said that if we put them on the rack they would confess in 3 days - well it worked on Guy Fawkes!
Finally we have the crime crackdown - yes another one - where the usual bunch of top cops and politicos all make nice soundbites about dealing with gun crime. This in a nation where you cant even defend your property against criminals for fear of being hauled in for breaking their human rights after giving them a sound kicking.
So if you dont want to work, want lots of benefits and get rich off of crime then come to the UK - the streets are paved with gold, although you do need to see a bottom feeding human rights lawyer first...
Mind prehaps the thing about the UK that really pisses me off is that we have no effective opposition to this shiftless shower in government. Instead the other parties spend most of their time fighting each other, and arguing over who they will pick as party leader to actually oppose the govt.
Lastly we now have the strange situation of this government letting off terrorists in Ireland, now that the Northen Ireland bill has been passed. Therefore they have killed and need not even make a token appearance before a court, so much for the tough on terror talk from Blair and co.

An Arab-American college student was convicted Tuesday of joining al-Qaida and plotting to assassinate President Bush.
The federal jury rejected Ahmed Omar Abu Ali's claim that Saudi authorities whipped and tortured him to extract a false confession.
Abu Ali, a 24-year-old U.S. citizen born to a Jordanian father and raised in Falls Church, Va., could get life in prison on charges that include conspiracy to assassinate the president and providing support to al-Qaida.
Abu Ali told authorities shortly after his arrest at a Medina, Saudi Arabia, university in June 2003 that he joined al-Qaida and discussed various terrorist plots, including a plan to personally assassinate Bush and to establish himself as a leader of an al-Qaida cell in the United States.
But the defense countered that he was tortured by the Saudi security force known as the Mubahith.
The jury deliberated for 2 1/2 days. Abu Ali swallowed hard before the verdict was read but otherwise showed little emotion. ** Guess he can jihad away to his hearts content in that 8 by 12 cell. OK here's another islamoturd thats going to get rather close and personal with Ol Budda the cell block ass rapist....
WASHINGTON - Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen held without charges for more than three years on suspicion of plotting a "dirty bomb" attack in this country, has been indicted on three counts alleging he conspired to "murder, maim and kidnap" people overseas. ..."The indictment alleges that Padilla traveled overseas to train as a terrorist with the intention of fighting a violent jihad," Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said at a news conference. Gonzales declined to comment on why none of the allegations involving attacks in America were included in the indictment.
** Squeal boy, squuuuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllll....
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