** And dont they just love anyone who looks at things a different way to them, that is in a modern way thats moved on from the 7th Century.

** And on the subject of tolerance - An eye specialist has accepted undisclosed damages after claiming that he was forced out of his job by Muslim colleagues.
Joseph Erian took the United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust to an employment tribunal, stating that he was made to resign from the ophthalmology department of Pilgrim Hospital, Boston, after staff there discovered that he was a Christian. The tribunal, which started earlier this month, ended when the trust offered an out-of-court settlement and admitted that the problems surrounding Dr Erian’s case “were not his fault”.
** read more on that here..Islamonazis drive out doctor
** Oh and check this out for a cool prayer...death tp the jews and anyone who disagrees with us.........
“God, keep Islam and Muslims high and protect Islam
God, humiliate the infidels
God, humiliate the enemies of Islam
Jews, Americans and Brits
And all those who support them
Who cooperate with them
And who are in alliance with them
God, destroy them all,
God, leave none of them alive,
God, give victory to mujahedin everywhere”
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