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Loonies of the left - Bush Greatest Terrorist Ever & other stupidity.

** Well here we go seems that some media loony tunes have had a little get together and Harry Belafonte has managed to leap to the strange conclusion that the major terrorist mastermind is infact George W. Bush, and I was figuring it was old Osama Bin Laden who's rag headed islamopaths flew planes in to the World Trade Towers on 9/11.

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Still according to the perverse logic of the left and its showbiz pals who just love to hear their voices crowing the words of the islamoloons, its now George W Bush who causes all the worlds ills. At a meeting with the "caracas"- sorry could not resist the pun - leader of Venezuela Hugo Chavez, old singer and songwritter Harry Belafonte said:

image“No matter what the greatest tyrant in the world, the greatest terrorist in the world, George W. Bush says, we’re here to tell you: Not hundreds, not thousands, but millions of the American people ... support your revolution"

-- Singer Harry Belafonte, speaking to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez

Another lefty loon that was there was Danny Glover, makes you wonder what planet half these artists and film stars actually live on: link to article on the looney leftie loony tunes

**President Chavez even has his own information minister:

"There is no truth in the stories about the glorious President Chavez being as mad as a hatstand. None what so ever, we have lots of proof to show it is all a rightwing zionist conspiracy theory just put about by George W Bush."

"Sworn statements on his sanity will be produced by Harry Belafonte and President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and the wonderful writer and film producer Michael Moore."

"Oh and finally the infidel invaders will soon be bleeding to death on the walls of Baghdad. Soon they will leave and the great Saddam will announce the mother of all victories!"

Seems as well that the looney lefties are getting a tad upset at people taking an opposing view on the Jack Idema story, opposing as in not what the IslamoBBC reports.

The following sites: http://stuporpatriots.blogspot.com and http://www.weblog.ro/soj and http://www.kathryncramer.com/ have their leftist theorys on this. Mind there is an excellent piece that is well worth a look at: http://cuppapolitics.blogspot.com

Final bit of lunacy comes from that well known bastion of human rights and liberal democracy Iran, and how they are going to hang a woman who tried to rape her. http://www.metimes.com/articles/normal.php?StoryID=20060108-092739-1620r

Ok one more bit of lunacy on what happens when the looney left cave in to the demands of terrorists like the gutless coward who runs Spain Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero. According to a recently published report in the Spanish magazine Interviú, the situation in Diwaniya and Najaf, where Spanish bases were located and which formerly enjoyed relative calm, grew violent precisely around the date when Zapatero confirmed he would make good on his pledge to bring the troops home as soon as possible. In support of its findings, the magazine quoted internal army reports and military personnel on the ground during the last month of the deployment, after the calendar for withdrawal had been set.

At a demonstration in the wake of the March 11 Madrid train bombings, a protestor made it clear that the Spanish electorate had grown receptive to arguments that concessions could remove Spain from the terrorists’ hit list. “Maybe the Socialists will get our troops out of Iraq, and Al Qaeda will forget about Spain, so we will be less frightened,” he said hopefully.

Zapatero and the Socialists quickly lived up to their part of the bargain. The terrorists have been less cooperative. In April 2004, a bomb was found on the high-speed train line from Madrid to Seville. The culprits turned out to be the Moroccan authors of the Madrid attacks. After being trapped inside an apartment in Leganés on April 3, they blew themselves up. Several weeks later, on April 19, the body of Francisco Javier Torrontera, an officer who died in the Leganés raid, was pulled from its tomb and burned. The Spanish Interior Ministry, in a desperate attempt to appear culturally sensitive, called it an “Islamic rite of revenge.”

More on this here : http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=20812

** Tell Galloway what you think of him avoiding his job as an MP***: tell the lazy bastard George Galloway what you think of him wasting his time on reality tv

For those not in the know George Galloway is an MP- all be it a poor one who hardly bothers to vote- who hates the UK, sucked up too and has most likely sucked off Saddam Hussain on more than a few occasions, has made lots of money through taking back handers from a certain ex-dictator in Iraq, spouts hate against this nation and against our hard working troops doing their best in Iraq. Now to top it all is spending all day on TV instead of in the house of commons being an MP for which he his paid by the tax payers of the United Kingdom.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

Lol, it's true. The left is so far left they make Pat Robertson look like the easter bunny.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, their mad but what can we do to make them see reality?