Had a warning about some new Irish virus today come through thought I had best warn everyone about it.
Still not heard back from that chap Richard, sorry I am now calling him Dick at Hays Recruitment which is a shame, shall leave the post up about him being a wanker for a while yet, after all if they want to lose business through bad publicity then thats no skin off my nose. (post is the next one down from this one)
Moving on to politics now and some figures on what ol cyclops Brown is doing to the UK economy. He has dramatically increased spending as a share of national income at a time when competitor nations were controlling their spending; and cyclops Brown has borrowed in a boom, run a deficit when he projected a surplus, and manipulated his own golden rule when he was about to breach it.
On top of that, more red tape has cost business £40 billion, productivity growth has fallen to a fifth of the level Labour inherited, and promises of reform of the public services have not materialised. You could go as far as saying that he is not keeping an eye on the economic situation.
"The Chancellor enjoys lecturing other European nations on their economic performance. But our tax and spending levels are soon set to be higher than Germany's, our productivity growth lags well behind France(even allowing for the riots and car burning), and our rate of business development is shrinking at a time when it is rising across the rest of Europe. There could hardly be a worse response to the challenges of the new global economy,"
"He started well(ish) by giving the Bank independence and sticking to prudent Tory spending plans. But then he lost control of spending, raised taxes by stealth to pay for the spree, let borrowing soar, regulated too much, and stopped the public service reforms that might have improved productivity and given taxpayers value for money. That is why Britain is falling down the league tables of the world on growth, on competitiveness and on trade. "The story of the Cyclops Chancellorship is now writing itself: a golden legacy inherited and a golden opportunity missed."
Mr Osborne said: "It is time to offer the country an alternative approach that rises to the opportunities and challenges of the new global economy." - adapted from the conservatives site. link to a bit about cyclops Gordon Brown
Huff and Puff
FORWARD OPERATING BASE HIT, Iraq – Eight days of back-breaking searches through villages and fields along the western Euphrates River valley have yielded thousands of pieces of ordnance as Iraqi Army Soldiers and U.S. Marines continue Operation Wadi Aljundi (Koa Canyon) in Iraq’s Al Anbar province.
Aimed at isolating insurgents and their weapons, the combined Iraqi and U.S. force began the latest sweep Jan. 15, and have uncovered a staggering amount of weaponry. The Soldiers and Marines are making their way inch-by-inch through caves, fields, wadis, and islands in an attempt to disrupt the insurgents.
So far, the combined force has found and destroyed more than 4,300 artillery and mortar rounds, rockets, and mines; 267 kilograms (590 pounds) of explosive powder, 10,000 rounds of various types of ammunition (ranging from small-arms to tank main gun rounds), 300 blasting caps, approximately 100 feet of detonation cord, and several working machine guns and mortar systems.
"Every piece of ordnance that is uncovered is one less potential IED that may be used against Iraqi civilians, Iraqi Security and Coalition forces," said Marine Col. Kenneth F. McKenzie, Jr., the commander of the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable).
McKenzie also stated that the future of the Iraqi Army is bright, based upon the individual courage of the Iraqi Soldiers. "The basic ingredient is courage, and these Iraqi Soldiers are showing it," said McKenzie.
The Iraqi Army Soldiers are with the 1st Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 7th Iraqi Army Division and the Marines are with the 22nd MEU (SOC).
The 22nd MEU (SOC) is comprised of its Command Element, Battalion Landing Team 1st Bn., 2nd Marines, MEU Service Support Group 22, and Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (Reinforced) 261.
The 22nd MEU (SOC) is conducting counterinsurgency operations with an Iraqi battalion in the Al Anbar province under the tactical control of the 2nd Marine Division.
Soldiers, Marines find weapons cache, detain insurgents
CAMP TAQADDUM, Iraq -- Soldiers with the Illinois National Guard and Marines from 2nd Marine Logistics Group (Forward), captured a weapons cache and detained two suspected insurgents near the city of Qaryat al Jaffah during a combat patrol Jan. 20.
The cache consisted of ten 82 mm mortar rounds, 200 artillery and mortar fuses, 500 feet of wire, 15,000 armor-piercing machine gun rounds, 15 rocket propelled grenades with 30 boosters and one launcher, 16 hand grenades, three 57 mm rockets, five 122 mm artillery shells and more than 2,000 small arms rounds.
The service members make up what is known as Task Force Blackhawk. Prior to their current assignment, the unit was attached to Multi-National Forces-Baghdad, working near the Iraqi capital, where they captured more than 30 weapons caches. Marine Corps military working dogs were used in the search and discovery of the caches.
**Now here is a bit of news that never supprised me at all when I read it. Seems that culture secretary Tessa Jowells hubby David Mills, or as I shall refer to him Mr Jowell is being questioned over a bung of $600,000 from the Italian PM. If its true and that has yet to be proven it would be yet another corrupt hanger on to a corrupt politico from a corrupt and morally bankrupt government. Bet she wont resign either if this turns out to be true. Remember with New Labour when it involves another party it is a scandal, but when it is a New Labour member it is a private matter that has nothing to do with their ability to do their job. Mr Tessa Jowell gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar- probably.
And on the subject of the BBC there are areas of its reporting that can only be described as 2nd rate hack and yes I know that is being unfair to the worst hack reporters in the media. The worst that the BBC has is that pro islamist dipshit John Simpson who of late is little more than a later day Lord Haw Haw (Background on lord Haw Haw for those who dont know of him) for the Iranian regime. He lives in this strange world where the EU is the best thing since sliced bread, where torture and execution is ignored if its in Iran but condemned loudly if it involves the US. He whines on and on and on that we need to talk firmly to Iran, well where has Mr Simpson had his head buried for the last 6 years or so(I have a fair idea where his head has been...) while both the EU and US have tried to talk to Iran over its nuclear program. Thousands upon thousands of Iranians want a decent future for their nation that doesnt include the mad mullahs,Ahmadinejad, nukes or appologists like John Simpson. Check out the Regime change link for more details on what is really happening in Iran, might be an idea if someone actually advised Mr Simpson to have a look at that site to....
As Mrs Jowell is in charge of the BBC, you will all be happy to know that the BBC licence tax is going up to £131.50 a year. Yes the population of the UK will now have to pay more for 2nd rate repeats, piss poor digital channels that are filled with lightweight fluff and biased and highly left wing news. Mrs Jowell said and I love this bit of meaningless soundbite toss that the BBC would provide us with "strong and distinctive schedule" and remain at the "forefront of broadcasting technology". Why not privatise the commie run BBC and throw thousands of useless bean counters on the dole?
Save the best for last I think today. Here we see Mr Tiddles aka George "Oil Baron" Galloway sinking even lower than before.
"Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your inde-cat-igability." - piss poor pun but I could not resist it.
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