Dhimmitude, thy name is Jens Byskov.
Jens Byskov holds up a sign apologizing to Muslims in front of the Danish parliament building in Copenhagen, Denmark Tuesday Feb. 14, 2006 for cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad published in a Danish newspaper late last year. The uproar over the Prophet Muhammad cartoons was Denmark’s biggest foreign policy challenge since World War II, the prime minister said Tuesday. (AP Photo/John McConnico)
In the true spirit of Jack "man of" Straw and the Irish President Mary McAleese, we see moonbat Jens Byskov grovelling in the dirt. I wonder if his back is covered in shoe prints from where all the local muslims have been walking over him?...
Congratulations to Jens he is my Dhimmi of the year, can anyone grovel further than this? Thanks to lgf for the pic. How does he stand up without a backbone? From now on all Dhimmi's featured here will be given the Jens Byskov award for services to Allah.
Finally thanks again to lgf for the Its In The Koran seems this has been removed from some sites due to "rascism" or some such nonsense, lack of backbone more likely. Oh and some more interweb sillyness, check out: muslim rave. and also a quick lesson on how asylum works
**Fight against such of those to whom the Scriptures were given as believe not in God nor in the Last Day, who do not forbid what God and His apostle have forbidden, and do not embrace the true Faith, until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued. —Koran 9:29
Jens Byskov
5 people have spoken:
Great post. What a coward. Let us make sure that no one who is a coward to begin with ever gets a visa into this country!
That guy is an idiot, a dhimmie to be sure. When the muslims come to chop off his head he will probably feel like he deserves it.
I hope Denmark passes stricter immigration policies and returns those trouble makers who are in their country now back to where they came from.
Thanx for the link BTW, I am going to return the favor :)
You just know this guy is going to get so much lefty media press coverage, I fear that we are going to be hearing a lot more whiney self indulgent bull shit from this Dhimmi in next few weeks...
Ugh. People like that make my flesh crawl.
OT: you'll get a kick out of this. Heh.
On a roll with these, dhimmi to the left, dhimmi behind, dhimmi in front and some to the right...
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