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7/7 Remembered

With just 2 months to go till the anniversary of 7/7 the UK government has not sorted out any sort of rememberance ceremony or official silence to mark this event. Relatives of the victims have been pressing the government for an official silence on the one-year anniversary.

Last year Britain came to a standstill in respect exactly a week after the atrocity. Response to that silence, organised by London Mayor Ken Livingstone, was a magnificent success at the bombing scenes and across the country.

The 52 people slaughtered by the barbarian savages that day deserve a fitting tribute.

Tory homeland security spokesman Patrick Mercer said: "There is no doubt that there is a clear and present threat. The only priority now for the security services is the prevention of further Islamic fundamentalist attacks."

"There are continued warnings of attacks in Britain by Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. These have to be taken seriously."

He added: "I am waiting to see how much truth we are going to get from the government about these events.

"After 9/11 and the Madrid bombings both the American and Spanish governments carried out extensive independent inquiries.

"All we are getting is a narrative which has come from the hands of civil servants and a heavily-censored report by MPs.

"It is crucial we have an independent inquiry before we are attacked again."

Anyone who agrees that we need an investigation can sign the online appeal - link on the side bar at the top.


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