Second rate actress Angelina Jolie has thanked our chancellor Gordon "cyclops" Brown for donating 8.5 billon pounds of hard earned tax payers money towards educating African children over the next ten years.
That is 8.5 billon that is being given to governments with an appaling history of corruption despite the fact that there is little if any financial checks on the part of the UK government as to where this money is going to end up.
And never mind the homeless people here in the UK, the failing health service, poor infrastructure in many areas, the poor pensions that many UK citizens have to live on it seems that wasting this money abroad is the No. 1 prority of this government. After all why help your own people when you can donate money abroad and get lots of free publicity and boost your plans to become PM after Blair leaves.
I would like to remind Angelina Jolie that she has thanked the wrong person, she should have thanked me and all the other put upon tax payers here in the UK who actually fund Gordons bizarre pipe dreams of global peace and harmony. Paid for I might add by ever increasing sleath taxes and price rises.
This bloody woman is thanking the wrong man
Tags: angelina jolie
gordon brown
MNF Iraq
Al Qaeda
War on Terror
Iraqi Army
101st Fighting Keyboardists
Charles Clarke
Sharon Beshenivsky
Mustaf Jama
Also seems that the jug eared Charles Clarke, our offensive and incompetent Home Sec. is in more bother. A Somali refugee wanted in connection with the murder of the policewoman Sharon Beshenivsky escaped deportation after serving a prison sentence for robbery because of Home Office policy.
The alleged involvement of Mustaf Jama in the murder of a police officer emerged as Charles Clarke battled to contain a separate scandal over the Home Office failure to consider foreign prisoners for deportation after they served their sentences.
Mr Jama, 26, has been named by police as a key suspect in the murder of PC Beshenivsky after an armed robbery in Bradford, West Yorkshire, last November. - Full story here...http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-2161912,00.html
Next time some wooley headed, Starbuck drinking, Guardian reading, new age tree hugging, anti US of A and who holds a rose tinted view of Islam arguing that its only a tiny majority of muslims that oppress people/wage jihad/chop heads etc etc, then get them to read this. This is an article by Simon Deng a former Sudanese slave and human rights activist.. http://www.iheu.org/node/1539
Some good news from Iraq:
Release A060502a
Iraqi Army battalion to assume authority in Sinjar
TAL AFAR, Iraq – May 3 will mark a historic day in Western Ninevah Province as 3rd Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Iraqi Army Division assumes the lead in security operations in and around Sinjar. The ceremony will serve as the latest example of the increased Iraqi Army role in providing security to the people of Iraq .
The 3rd Battalion has proven itself to be a skilled and professional fighting force and is confident in its ability to handle its increased responsibility. After completing a number of successful missions in conjunction with U.S. forces, the battalion recently planned and executed an extensive independent cordon and search operation that demonstrated the capabilities of the battalion.
Release A060502d
10 Terrorists, Assessed as Foreign, Killed; Three Wearing Suicide Vest
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed ten terrorists, three of them wearing suicide vests, and wounded one at approximately 1:30 a.m. May 2 at a safe house located approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Balad while searching for an al-Qaida terrorist leader. Upon the troops’ arrival, one terrorist who was sleeping while on guard outside the safe house, woke up and attempted to engage the assault troops with a pistol. The terrorist was shot before he could fire his weapon. As the wounded terrorist fell backward, he reached toward his chest and detonated a suicide vest. None of the assault troops were harmed in the explosion.
Meanwhile, the troops killed nine other terrorists, seven of whom exited the safe house during the fight and two who were killed inside. Two of the nine terrorists were wearing suicide vests, but the troops killed these bombers before either could detonate his vest.
The terrorists possessed grenades, rifles, a pistol, ammunition, explosives, a machine gun and suicide vests. The troops found $1000 in U.S. currency on one terrorist, and after the suicide bomber detonated his vest, they noticed hundreds of scattered pieces of charred U.S. bills.
The safe house and all lethal material to include the two remaining suicide vests, grenades, weapons, explosives and blasting caps were destroyed.
The injured terrorist was medically evacuated to Balad for further medical care.
No civilians were located in or nearby this safe house.Release A060501a
Soldiers visit Iraqi students, deliver gifts from home
AL-KUT, Iraq – Servicemembers distributed stuffed animals, sporting goods and school supplies during a joint humanitarian operation April 27 in Al-Kut, Iraq.
The mission included Civil Affairs from Third U.S. Army, the 143d Transportation Command, to include Commander Brig. Gen. Charles Barr and the El Salvadoran army, which is responsible for the Al-Kut area of operation.
“You could feel a tangible and true feeling that they (the children) were happy we had visited them,” explained Cmdr. Richard Below, operations officer for the Kuwait Humanitarian Operations Center.
The children were animated about the visit but behind some of their smiles were more silent requests. With the help of its sponsors, the HOC in Kuwait hopes to bring two children, in particular, to the United States for medical care.
“The little girl just stole my heart,” said Col. Carlos Trejo, HOC representative.
With empty boxes of goods in their hands, servicemembers exited the school- but not without a following. The students posed for photos, shook hands and waved farewell as the troops left the classrooms and returned to camp.
“If we can burn an image in the young children’s minds that the coalition forces came to help rather than hurt, we have begun to make changes for the better,” said Trejo.
The changes will not happen over night, but until then, coalition forces will continue delivering supplies, medical care and attention.
**Update on scumfuck Mustaf Jama:
According to The Times, in 1993 Nadifa Egal a Somali woman arrived at Heathrow with three children and a Kenyan people trafficker who falsely claimed to be her husband. Mrs Egal described the danger from which her family were fleeing following tribal violence. The family were granted leave to remain and Mrs Egal set about contacting her four other children who had been sent to the UK in 1992. Soon after being granted leave to remain it is reported that Mrs Egal returned to Somalia leaving her seven children to be brought up by friends and relatives in London and Birmingham.
Mustaf Jama was 12 years old when he stood by his mother’s side at Heathrow in 1993. Eight years after arriving in the UK, Mustaf was jailed for burglary and robbery offences. After a string of violent criminal offences he was released from prison in 2005 aged 25; he was considered for deportation but permitted to remain because it was deemed too dangerous to send him back to Somalia where the conflict continued. Some time between Christmas Day and New’s Year he fled the UK, returning to Somalia, apparently bearing his sister’s passport and disguised in a niqab. Jama was not required to prove his identity by immigration staff.
It has been further reported that Jama’s Uncle is a former Somalian Foreign Minister and his father a former MP and cousin of Mohamed Siad Barre the country’s ex-president who seized power in 1969 in a brutal military coup. Mustaf Jama is reportedly protected and hiding in Somalia.
Mustaf Jama is still wanted by British police as the prime suspect for the murder of PC Sharon BeshenivskyFinally: Jihad denied to this lot who wont be down for breakfast...thanks to Clarity and Resolve
KHOST, Afghanistan -- A suicide bomber who planned to target an anniversary ceremony was killed in a premature blast and an accomplice was wounded in Afghanistan's southeastern province of Khost early on Monday, officials said.
The bomber with explosives strapped to his body was walking to Khost city from Ismail Khail district along with two accomplices when his bomb went off prematurely, provincial governor Mirajudin Patan said.
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Canadian and Afghan forces killed as many as 27 militants and captured three in fighting throughout Afghanistan over the weekend, and Afghan army sergeant also was killed, officials said Monday. ...
A coalition patrol on Saturday killed between 15 and 20 militants carrying assault rifles and grenade launchers, who were "moving with the intent to set up an ambush" in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, a military statement said.
No coalition forces were hurt, it said.
2 people have spoken:
I love the leftist lie that government's providing money to some cause or other is generosity. Its even better when it is spouted by someone who is as rich as Angelina.
Fuckwits, all of them.
True, just wanted her to thank us the humble tax payers rather than ol cyclops Brown
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