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Good News From Iraq

Al-Qaida documents found

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces discovered a large amount of documents and videos ranging from plans to critiques, including al-Qaida in Iraq’s strategy in Baghdad during an April 16 raid in the Yusifiyah area.

The documents show how the terrorist organization lacks leadership, military capability and Iraqi support.

“This information confirms what the Government of Iraq, Coalition forces and ultimately the people of Iraq already know - that al-Qaida in Iraq’s role only attempts to impede Iraqis in following the road to prosperity, security and national unity,” said Brig. Gen. Rudy Wright, Multi-National Force – Iraq spokesman

After discovering these documents, the translated versions were sent to Coalition forces’ leadership for analysis.

The al-Qaida author of the “Baghdad Strategy” and the “Baghdad State of Affairs” is unknown, but officials think he is a significant leader within the terrorist organization.

The latter memorandum outlines al-Qaida terrorists in Iraq have no strategy, that the ‘…mujahideen are not considered more than a daily annoyance to the Shiite government…’, and that the ‘…mujahideen in Baghdad are generally groups of assassins without any organized military capabilities.’

According to the translated al-Qaida documents, the Mujahideen’s only power lies in surprise ‘hit and run’ attacks, or setting up explosive charges and booby traps that predominantly target civilian men, women and children.

“The actions of the Iraqi Security Forces are having a significant negative impact on the Mujahideen’s ability to operate in Baghdad. Al-Qaida in Iraq attacks Mosques and other public places to draw media attention and is having difficulty recruiting members because the people of Iraq do not support its cause,”said the author who translated the Baghdad State of Affairs document.

Translated document in English and Arabic

Release A060510b
Iraqi Army conducts operations near Mosul
TIKRIT, Iraq – Units from the 2nd Iraqi Army Division successfully wrapped up Operation Cool Spring VIII May 9 in a wide area south of Mosul , capturing suspected terrorists and displaying an increasing capability to take security responsibility for the area.

Troops from 3rd Brigade, 2nd IA Division planned and led the operation which included Soldiers from the 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Task Force Band of Brothers.

Three military-aged men on the IA's most wanted list were detained as part of the operation. The men were all previously identified by the unit as possibly being in the area and having connections with known terrorist organizations. The three men are currently in an Iraqi detention facility.

The Iraqi brigade demonstrated their military planning skills by formulating the mission, issuing appropriate orders to its subordinate units, and overwatching the conduct of the operation. The brigade's planning efforts resulted in the unit coming closer to its goal of stopping terrorists in the region, reinforcing security and gaining more brigade-level command and control experience.

One of the most successful outcomes was the confidence that was built in both the Soldiers and the citizens. Seeing the Iraqi Army on patrol providing increased security to the area gave residents an increased sense of security.

Brigadier Gen. Ali, commander, 1st Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division reported that on numerous times during the operation, villagers approached him and his men with offers to contact them if they detected any terrorist activity. The citizens thanked the Soldiers for their service and willingly took Ali's phone number in order to make the reports.

Iraqi Army units all over Multi-National Division- North are improving their ability to plan, lead and conduct security operations independently. To date, 16 Iraqi Army battalions and three brigades have taken the lead from coalition forces in security operations.

Release A060510c
Coalition Forces deliver precision munitions at abandoned train station
CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq – In response to hostile insurgent activity, Coalition Forces delivered precision munitions at an abandoned train station in southern Ramadi today.

Coalition Forces have delivered precision munitions at the same location multiple times in the past three days in response to hostile insurgent activity.

The station is a known hub of insurgent activity.

** Finally I am off to London soon and will be having the joys of travelling on London Underground, did I say joys sorry what I meant to say was being legally robbed travel and roast to death in a train running late, breathing in other peoples sweat and hell fuck it, watch this and feel sorry for me! http://www.backingblair.co.uk/london_underground/index.htm

I see looney tosspot and moonbat dictator Hugo Chavez is coming to the UK next week, and I thought it was just the US of A that had a problem with wetbacks. Still if I need a drug deal done, or a lawn mowed then I know where to go...wetback comes to UK, to talk lots of shit with Red Ken



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