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Polly Toynbee - Revenge Is Sweet.

Now I have covered Polly Toynbee the 2nd rate hack employed by The Guardian, a rather poor paper best used for emergencies when you have run out of toilet paper. Seems that like most of the left wingers she can dish it out but is incapable of taking critism of herself/her poorly written articles/her out of date leftie views/or just critism in general.

Found this on the ever wonderful Devils Kitchen blog (link on the sidebar) and it made me laugh somewhat. http://devilskitchen.blogspot.com/2006/05/polly-gets-dose-of-her-own-medicine.html

By the way Ms Toynbee, before you ask us to decry Ian Burchill for referring to the death of your husband, please remind us of the sensitive piece you wrote about Auberon Waugh in the days (not 14 years) after he died, entitled 'Ghastly Man'. Please also remind us about the accompanying cartoon showing Auberon Waugh being flushed down the toilet. I'm sure his grieving family were greatly comforted by your kind words. In fact, his son wrote a touchingly gentle and humorous reposte, something you, as a self-obsessed humour-vacuum, would be incapable of.
Polly Toynbee 2nd rate Guardian hack gets all offended at some people with opposing views. Oh and of course for more on Polly check out: http://factcheckingpollyanna.blogspot.com/

** Update on this, here is the original drivel that 2nd rate piss poor hack Polly Toynbee wrote about the death of Auberon Waugh, worth a read as it shows what a bitter and twisted, hate and bile filled little woman she really is behind that liberal wall she shows the world:

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