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BBC Lies on US desertion figures: When your wrong just stick with repeating the original lie and hope nobody notices.

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The BBC today on its Reporters program (or should that be renamed we hate the US and the Zionists)ran a bit of propaganda about US desertion figures stating that some 8000 had deserted from the US military since the Iraq war had begun. Yet they failed to put that into any context and failed to show that the overall desertion rate has fallen since 2001

Since fall 2003, 4,387 Army soldiers, 3,454 Navy sailors and 82 Air Force personnel have deserted. The Marine Corps does not track the number of desertions each year but listed 1,455 Marines in desertion status last September, the end of fiscal 2005, says Capt. Jay Delarosa, a Marine Corps spokesman.

Desertion records are kept by fiscal year, so there are no figures from the beginning of the war in March 2003 until that fall.

Desertion numbers have dropped since 9/11. The Army, Navy and Air Force reported 7,978 desertions in 2001, compared with 3,456 in 2005. The Marine Corps showed 1,603 Marines in desertion status in 2001. That had declined by 148 in 2005.

The desertion rate was much higher during the Vietnam era. The Army saw a high of 33,094 deserters in 1971 — 3.4% of the Army force. But there was a draft and the active-duty force was 2.7 million.

Desertions in 2005 represent 0.24% of the 1.4 million U.S. forces.

Opposition to the war prompts a small fraction of desertions, says Army spokeswoman Maj. Elizabeth Robbins. "People always desert, and most do it because they don't adapt well to the military," she says. The vast majority of desertions happen inside the USA, Robbins says. There is only one known case of desertion in Iraq.

Most deserters return within months, without coercion. Commander Randy Lescault, spokesman for the Naval Personnel Command, says that between 2001 and 2005, 58% of Navy deserters walked back in. Of the rest, the most are apprehended during traffic stops. Penalties range from other-than-honorable discharges to death for desertion during wartime. Few are court-martialed.

** The BBC ran a fluff story and of course found a deserter who was living north of the border in Canada and aired his anti war views with no counter arguement against anything that he was saying. The deserter claimed that he was being pressured into committing war crimes, the war was illegal and so on and so forth. Our state broadcaster here in the UK, an organisation that we pay for via the licence fee/tax has been against the Bush government since day one and done its level best to undo the good work or British/US armed forces with its pro islamic broadcastings.

For a good site on our beloved state broadcaster check out: http://biased-bbc.blogspot.com/

** Lastly here is something the BBC will never report, good news from Iraq:

Release A060604a
Iraqi Scouts raid IED cell, capture 3 key members
BALAD, Iraq – Iraqi Scouts raided a housing compound in Baghdad on May 31 and captured three insurgents who were members of an improvised explosive device cell.

Scouts from the 3rd Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, assisted by Coalition force advisers, raided three separate objectives simultaneously in the Al Rasheed district in east central Baghdad . They captured three key members of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device, or VBIED cell operating in the Al Doura area of Baghdad . This cell is responsible for making VBIEDs and carrying out attacks against Iraqi and Coalition forces.

The Scouts also detained five other individuals and captured two AK-47 assault rifles and six magazines, or approximately 180 rounds of AK-47 ammunition.

According to a senior Coalition force adviser, this mission was a success because it was executed so rapidly the Scouts were able to achieve complete surprise.

No Iraqi forces, Coalition forces or civilians were killed or wounded during this operation.

** Talking of things that the BBC wont dare mention, June 4, 1989 - Tiananmen Square Massacre: Not a peep from the new age Starbuck drinking, head up their collective arses moonbats at the BBC on this.

** Then we have this from the BBC site: (BBC) - A US military investigation has found there was no misconduct by US troops over Iraqi civilian deaths in the town of Ishaqi, a spokesman says. Maj Gen William Caldwell said reports that troops “executed” a family during a raid on a house in March and tried to cover it up were “absolutely false”. Questions over the 11 deaths in Ishaqi come amid a Pentagon inquiry into a bigger alleged massacre in Haditha. The US has announced extra training in moral and ethical values for troops.

Yet this did not stop Grand Dhimmi El John Simpson from firing off his usual rant againt the Great Satan(USA) and even questioning the role played by Little Satan(UK) in the slaughter of innocents in Iraq. Even when they report that there is no misconduct the anti US BBC has to throw tales of woe into the bottom half of their article.

Dont hold your breath for the BBC to admit that they have spun half truths and lies from Islamic terror groups, so no apology for weeks of spin over this so called massacre. after all they see their role as not so much a news organisation but some form of higher moral guardian.


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