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Good News From Afganistan

Afghanistan - 700 Taliban trapped by Nato offensive

Nato and Afghan forces used artillery and air strikes overnight to keep up pressure on an estimated 700 Taliban trapped by an offensive that the alliance claims has killed at least 200 militants in southern Afghanistan, Nato said today.

Meanwhile, Nato leaders including Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer and top commander US Gen. James Jones were in Afghanistan for talks with Afghan officials on a security and development accord and to assess progress in the alliance’s mission to stabilise the volatile south.

Nato’s Operation Medusa, launched on Saturday to flush out militants from a stronghold near the main southern city of Kandahar, has sparked some of the most intense fighting since the fall of the Taliban regime nearly five years ago.

Nato claims more than 200 Taliban have died – a figure strongly disputed by a top militant commander.

Five Canadian soldiers have also been killed, one in a friendly fire by a US warplane yesterday.

The Afghan Defence Ministry also said today that 200 militants had died since Saturday – increasing its previously reported toll of 89.

** Now compare that to the inane lies and leftist bullshit that comes both from The BBC and our own New Labour MP's. Indeed the shamefull fact is that some of the Rt Hon. members of the House of Commons are little more than amoral sewer rats out to gloat and score petty political points from the deaths of UK soldiers. Indeed our own liar of an MP has compared the Afgan war to Britains Vietnam and listening to many of their comments you would think that they would rather the Taliban be back in power than have to admit UK/US forces are winning and see Afganistan and its people free.


Lastly some videos exposing lies...


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