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Good News From Iraq

MND-B Soldiers thwart terrorist attack

Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO

BAGHDAD – Soldiers from 1st Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, thwarted terrorists and seized weapons south of Baghdad Saturday.

Terrorists attacked the Soldiers with rocket-propelled grenades, mortars and small-arms fire; the Soldiers returned fire and disabled the terrorists’ vehicle.

Four terrorists fled the scene by running into a nearby palm grove.

As Soldiers investigated the scene, they found a terrorist’s body and seized weapons inside the vehicle, consisting of a PKM rifle, two AKM rifles, an RPG launcher, two RPG rounds, a rocket and ten AK-47 magazines.

Iraqi Police Capture Two Terrorists Suspected of Attacks on Iraqi Citizens

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

– Iraqi Police, teamed with coalition advisers, captured two individuals suspected of promoting sectarian violence by kidnapping and murdering Iraqi citizens during a raid in Ghazaliyah on Sep. 25.

Iraqi Police conducted simultaneous raids on separate objectives and captured the two men without incident. They are suspected of leading and recruiting members of a cell involved in the murder of innocent civilians and are believed to conduct these criminal actions for an illegal armed group in the area.

There were no civilian, Iraqi forces, or coalition forces casualties from this operation.

MND-B soldiers detain terrorist, seize 2 large weapons caches

Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO

– Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers from 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, detained a terrorist after he attempted to place an improvised-explosive device in southwestern Baghdad at approximately 1:30 p.m. today.

In an earlier incident, MND-B Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, discovered two large weapons caches west of Baghdad Sunday.

The first cache contained seven 125mm artillery rounds, 45 122mm mortar rounds, 15 120mm anti-personnel mines, 11 60mm mortars, 46 120mm fuses, 103 rocket-propelled grenades, 100 RPG boosters, six RPG fuses, 15,000 RPK rounds and ten cases of 7.62mm rounds.

Upon searching the second cache, Soldiers seized 21 RPG rounds, two 122mm mortar rounds, a bag of home-made explosives and various bomb-making materials.

Eight killed and three wounded during raid in Baqubah

BAGHDAD – Coalition forces killed four suspected terrorists and wounded two others during a raid the morning of Sept. 27 targeting a terrorist tied to extremist leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq in Iraq’s Diyalah and Salah ah Din provinces.

As Coalition forces approached the objective, they received sporadic small arms fire from throughout the neighborhood and sustained small arms fire from the objective building. Coalition forces, through their Iraqi interpreters, announced they were in the area, whereupon the shooting ceased from most locations except the target building. Coalition forces killed two terrorists during this engagement. Due to the heavy volume of enemy fire from the target building, they also engaged the building with Coalition aircraft.

Coalition aircraft fired multiple rounds at the targeted building, neutralizing the enemy threat. Ground forces then cleared the objective of enemy activity. Upon a search of the objective buildings, they found two additional terrorists killed and two terrorists wounded. They also found four women killed and another wounded as a result of the air strike. Coalition medics immediately administered care to the wounded female, stabilizing her on site before moving her to a nearby medical facility.

Ground forces treated the two wounded terrorists for minor injuries and detained them. Weapons and a global positioning system were also found in the target building.

Coalition forces strive to mitigate risks to civilians while in pursuit of terrorists. Terrorists continue to deliberately place innocent Iraqi women and children in danger by their actions and presence.

IA, MND-B Soldiers detain 25 terrorist suspects near Yusufiyah

Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO

Camp Striker, Iraq
– Iraqi army soldiers from 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, along with Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, Multi-National Division – Baghdad, detained 25 suspected terrorists and seized a cache of weapons near Yusufiyah Saturday.

The combined forces captured nine 60mm mortar rounds, a 60mm mortar system, a Dishka heavy machinegun, three rocket propelled grenade launchers, a Katusha rocket and multiple AK-47 assault rifles during Operation Hurricane Wind, which targeted a mortar cell in Janabi Village, southwest of Yusufiyah.

The 4th Brigade is partnered with 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment of the 2nd Brigade, 10th Mountain Division, Fort Drum, New York, which recently arrived in the area of operations south of Baghdad.

ISF capture two terrorists suspected of violence against Iraqi civilians

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

— Iraqi Security Forces captured two individuals suspected of kidnapping and murdering Iraqi civilians during an early-morning raid near Tarmiya on Sept. 26.

Iraqi forces, with coalition advisers, conducted an air-assault near their objective and quickly entered a residence holding the suspects. Iraqi forces detained the suspects without incident. The individuals are believed to belong to a terror cell that commits acts of violence against innocent Iraqis, have ties to Al Qaeda in Iraq insurgent forces, and have allegedly targeted U.S. forces in an improvised explosive device attack.

Iraqi forces departed the objective with the two detainees, and there were no casualties during the operation.

The raid was conducted as part of Operation Together Forward with the goal of capturing those responsible for the murder of innocent Iraqi civilians. The operation, a helicopter-borne assault, highlights the capability of Iraqi forces to go where criminals are, deny them sanctuary, and provide for a safe and secure Iraq.

Iraqi Security Forces Target IED Cell

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

— Specially trained Iraqi Security Forces captured six terrorists suspected of building and targeting coalition forces with improvised explosive devices during a raid near Haswah on Sept. 26.

Iraqi forces, with coalition advisers, conducted raids on multiple objectives looking for numerous individuals suspected of having ties to the IED cell. Iraqi forces surrounded and entered the objectives, quickly detaining the six wanted individuals without incident. The suspects, who all had outstanding Ministry of Interior arrest warrants, are believed to be responsible for an IED attack which resulted in the death of a U.S. Soldier.

Components for building IEDs were also captured; multiple suspects and a vehicle at the objective tested positive for exposure to military grade explosives.

Iraqi forces departed the objective with all detainees, and there were no casualties in the operation.

IA finds, destroys VBIED, MND-B Soldiers detain terrorist, seize munitions

Multi-National Corps – Iraq PAO

BAGHDAD – Soldiers from the 5th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, found nine bodies inside a vehicle-borne improvised-explosive device in Baghdad’s Mansour district at approximately 6:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The IA soldiers removed the bodies and an Explosive Ordnance Disposal team destroyed the vehicle.

In a separate incident, Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, detained two suspected terrorists trying to place an IED on the side of a road in Najaf at approximately 12:05 a.m. Tuesday.

The suspects were handed over to Iraqi police for further questioning.

In another incident, elements of 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, attached to MND-B, discovered 12 50mm mortar rounds, eight 100mm mortar rounds, 74 60mm mortar rounds, 90 82mm mortar rounds, two 81mm mortar rounds and 88 120mm mortar rounds while performing combat operations in northwest Baghdad at approximately 9:30 a.m. today.

Subsequently, Soldiers from MND-B’s 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division, found five 120mm mortar rounds while conducting combat operations near Haswah, south of Baghdad, at approximately 10:30 a.m. today.

The munitions were destroyed by an EOD team.

IP, IA, MND-B Soldiers detain 8 suspected terrorists, seize weapons cache

Multi-national Division – Baghdad PAO

BAGHDAD – Iraqi national policemen detained eight suspected terrorists and seized a weapons cache in western Baghdad at approximately 5 p.m. Tuesday.

Policemen from 3rd Battalion, 5th Brigade, 2nd National Police Division, were attacked by terrorists using small-arms fire from the Al Kur Mosque and requested assistance from Multi-National Division – Baghdad.

Soldiers from 5th Battalion, 1st Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, and 8th Squadron, 10th Calvary Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, arrived on the scene to set up a cordon while the INP entered the mosque.

Inside the mosque, the INP discovered two hostages and detained eight suspected terrorists. They also found five AK-47 assault rifles, an MK4, a hand grenade, 300 rounds of 7.62 ammunition and 250 large caliber rounds.

The suspects were detained for questioning, and the munitions were destroyed by an Explosive Ordnance Disposal team.

Four police vehicles were destroyed in the attack on the INP and an Iraqi citizen was killed.

CCCI convicts 22 insurgents

BAGHDAD — The Central Criminal Court of Iraq convicted 22 security detainees Sept. 8 to 14 for various crimes, including possession of illegal weapons, using forged identification, and illegal border crossing.

The trial court found Sadiqh Sa’eed I’bu, a Syrian national, guilty of violating Iraqi Penal Code 10 of the Passport Law, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment.

The trial court found Ali Mahmoud Hisim guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended the defendant after searching his vehicle and finding one loaded AK-47, a loaded RPK, two brand-new RPGs, five AK-47 loaded magazines, three fragment hand grenades and two ammo drums. The defendant also tested positive for gunpowder and explosives.

The trial court found Abdullah Husayn Ahmad Salih Al-Sayad, a Yemeni national, guilty of illegally entering Iraq, in violation of Iraqi Penal Code 10, and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him at the Iraqi-Syrian border. At the time of his apprehension, the defendant did not have identification or a passport.

The trial court found Abdul-Elwareth Al-Said Abdul-Elwareth Al-Maghrabi, guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after finding 28 RPG warheads, three 82 mm rockets, 13 armor-piercing RPG warheads, 28 RPG propellant charges, five SKS machine guns, three AKS assault rifles, 10,000 AK-47 rounds, and 400 14.5 mm anti-aircraft rounds.

The trial court found Taleb Khalif Khalifa guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 10 years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after a search of his truck revealed 42 15-inch rocket time fuses and 20 rocket propellant bags.

The trial court found Yassinn Eeid Hamaid guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to seven years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after a search of his home revealed four sticks of plastic explosives, seven grenades, detonation cord, explosives fuses, and AK-47 ammunition.

The trial court found Omar Mohammed Kadihier Al Wani guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to six years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended the defendant after the search of his moped revealed a hand grenade.

The trial court found Malud Salim Muhammad guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to 6 years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after a search of his house revealed a large weapons cache.

The trial court found Muhammed Ahmad Salah, a foreign fighter from Lebanon, guilty of illegally entering Iraq, in violation of Iraqi Penal Code 10, and sentenced him to 6 years imprisonment. The defendant admitted coming to Iraq to fight Coalition forces.

The trial court found Cheikhou Babanding Bafodi Diakhaby guilty of not stamping his passport, in violation of Article 24 of the Foreigner Resident Law, and sentenced him to five years and one month imprisonment. The defendant is a foreign fighter from France who entered Iraq illegally.

The trial court found Ammar Rasheed Fayath and Laith Shaker Jassim guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced them to five years and one month imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended the defendant after a search of their vehicle revealed a video tape containing an insurgent video of a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device attack on a Coalition vehicle convoy.

The trial court found Hamid Ali Hanshill guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to two and a half years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after finding various RPG and AK-47 munitions.

The trial court found Hassan Wakeah Sultan guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to two and a half years imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended the defendant after a search of five dump trucks owned by the defendant revealed numerous small arms weapons and ammunition.

The trial court found Mahmood Al-Hishmawi guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Article 27 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced him to one year imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after observing the defendant fleeing from an IED explosion. A search of the defendant’s house revealed two gas masks; two loaded AK-47s; a dismantled phone; wire; and a bottle of white liquid.

The trial court found Ahmad Haloub guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Article 27 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced him to one year imprisonment. Coalition forces captured the defendant after receiving and returning small arms fire at the defendant and wounding him. A search of the defendant’s home revealed three AK-47s.

The trial court found Ayad Abeeb Hussein guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Coalition Provisional Authority Order 3, and sentenced him to one year imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after finding various small arms weapons and ammunition in five dump trucks owned by the defendant.

The trial court found Kareem Salman Al Ghoray guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Article 27 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced him to one year imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after a search of his home revealed a cellular phone attached to a 6V battery; an AK-47 with magazines; three mortar bore sights; to anti aircraft gun barrels; a bayonet; 293 red flares; 100 cardboard flares; 92 7.62 rounds; a 9 mm pistol; 9 mm rounds; nine identification cards; 27 .38 caliber rounds; and 30 8 mm mortar rounds.

The trial court found Muhammed Isam Ali Zahir Al Jaburi guilty of forging a civil affair ID in violation of Iraqi Penal Code 292 and using the forged ID in violation of Iraqi Penal Code 298, and sentenced him to one year imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after a search revealed numerous false identification cards.

The trial court found Najah Gomer Kalib and Mohammed Mahda guilty of violating Article 430 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced them to one year imprisonment. The defendants opened fire on Coalition Forces. The defendants were found with an AK-47 and a machine gun.

The trial court found Mohammed Majid Fahaad guilty of possession of illegal weapons, in violation of Article 27 of the Iraqi Penal Code, and sentenced him to one year imprisonment. Coalition forces apprehended him after a search of his vehicle revealed an RPK with 150 rounds, an AK-47 with four magazines, an HHK G3 with two magazines, three walkie-talkies, a camcorder with footage of a local town, and a cell phone.

Upon conviction, defendants are transferred to the Iraqi Ministry of Justice to serve their sentences.

To date, the CCCI has held 1,537 trials of insurgents suspected of anti-Iraqi and anti-Coalition activities threatening the security of Iraq and targeting Multi-National Force-Iraq. These proceedings have resulted in 1,309 individual convictions with sentences ranging up to death.

IA and CF Soldiers discover large weapons cache in Mosul

MOSUL, Iraq – Four suspected insurgents were detained and a large weapons cache was found during an Iraqi Army-led operation with Coalition Forces (CF) in Mosul Wednesday.

Iraqi Soldiers from 2nd Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Iraqi Army Division and CF Soldiers cleared the area in and around one building and detained two suspects, while another group moved to a second building, detaining two additional suspects without incident. Two CF Soldiers in the first building found a crawl space on the roof, which revealed a hidden weapons cache.

The cache contained 41 rocket propelled grenades (RPGs), three RPG launchers, nine rifles, one sniper rifle, two mortar tubes, military maps and propaganda.

A perceptive CF interpreter overheard the detainees discussing a second cache in the building and notified the Soldiers. The second cache was hidden behind a 16 inch-thick concrete wall in the basement of the building. Using sledgehammers, IA Soldiers unearthed a larger weapons cache containing grenades, ammunition, machine guns and mortar rounds.

There were no injuries during the course of the operation.

Soldiers find, thwart IED emplacement

TIKRIT, Iraq – Stryker Brigade Soldiers killed one terrorist and wounded another after spotting the individuals attempting to place an improvised explosive device Wednesday near Muqdadiya in Iraq’s Diyala Province.

The patrol from Comanche Troop, 2nd Squadron, 9th Cavalry, 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, investigated the scene and found an anti-tank mine set to detonate on a passing vehicle.

The mine was destroyed on site by an explosive ordinance disposal team. Iraqi and Coalition forces continue to work throughout Diyala Province to stop insurgent activity and increase security in this multi-ethnic region.



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