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Gordon Brown - Future PM? Oh and still an amoral cunt.

So today I had the dubious pleasure of watching an interview with Chancellor Gordon Brown, the one eyed one has his one good eye on the house next door currently occupied by a spiv named Blair and the masters of spin in the Zanu New Labour party have been telling the dour Scot that he needs to be more cuddly.

You can imagine the scene, there is Gordon in his office and some spin master comes up saying that he needs to put across the relaxed look, copy Blair, smile and show his human side. Put on the fixed grin and get that spin machine into motion.

So what did we get? An interview on Sky News where cyclops boy relaxed with his jacket off, one arm forward showing an open posture(ready for Polly Toynbee methinks...) but with his tie and top button done up, showing a level of authority and self control. Relaxed but in a non Blair no tie style.

Indeed our dour Scot has an image all of his own, created for him sorry I mean showing the warm man underneath, no John Prescott rants or fumblings with office staff with El Gordo. In short total fucking bollocks of the first order. Hell I swear this Zanu clone so desperate to do the New Blair, but not Blair indeed I am my own man and I shall come across as aproachable - look again no open collar look for me.

Mind the bit that really pissed me was the tear in the glass eye routine about his dead daughter, for fucks sake. How low with this amoral fucktard sink to? We want policies here you twat, not an episode of some second rate Jerry Springer episode entitled "I lost my kid and deserve to be PM". Just shows the sad levels that politics has sunk to that politicos can make cheap points out of a family crisis in a sad and desperate attempt to come across as human.

He went on: "You always know that there's something missing," Brown said. "Two weeks ago she would have been going to school for the first time. You know that, but try to do things that make life better so it's had a purpose, so something good can come out of the tragedy."

For fucks sake are the UK public to damn stupid to spot a cheap and sleazy ploy to bring a tear to the eye and hopefully a vote of support for the dour Scot. Hell if this man thought that he would get a vote you can bet he would smile, unzip his trousers and whip out the ol one eyed trouser snake for the ladies (another mention for Polly Toynbee from The Guardian here) and of course the gay vote.

Next week David Cameron explains why the loss of his pet dog when aged 7 is why he deserves to be PM. Followed by the Lib Dem leader Ming explains how losing his memory is why he should be PM.


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