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Paul Flynn MP - Liar and moonbat, oh and did I mention libelist?

My local looney leftie MP, a man who thinks that poping over to North Korea to show solidarity with one of the most repressive places on Earth is okay has been at it again.

Seems that Mr Flynn the libelist Zanu New Labour MP for Newport Gwent is calling on Blair to go before May, indeed I would agree with him on that one point alone I would like to see Blair go before then and a snap election held forthwith. Let the electorate decide on the future of this fine nation that has been divided and fed lies and double standards and sleeze in record levels since 1997 on who they want to govern them.

Again he snipes at the fine work British troops are doing in the Helmand Province and again refers to it as a British Vietnam. Never mind the fact that the Taliscum are losing, pulling back and have lost vast numbers to our fine troops. Indeed only the other day it was reported in one of our national papers about a few UK troops holding off an attack by about 200 Taliscum .

Then he wanders off to the usual leftist clap trap of lets all sit down read the Guardian and hug a terrorist, he quotes "The Prime Minister has been tough on terrorism but not on the causes of terrorism." saying that we need to resolve the middle east ie the Palestine-Israeli situation first, saying we need to win over the hearts and minds of the jihadists.

Well if it has escaped Mr Flynns notice the jihadists are quite happy to chop off heads and post the videos on the net, torture people and blow up planes and anything else they can and despite thirty plus years of talking nothing has changed that.

Libelist MP Paul Flynn on top of the Newport Transporter Bridge - now if only he would do the decent thing and jump.

Lets hug North Korean communists

Link to the libelists anti US drivel: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/newsdetail.jsp?id=469
Link to Paul Flynn EDM's: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/hotnewsdetail.jsp?id=1109

My previous articles on the libelist:
ID cards: id-cards-list-of-mps-who-voted-yes.

media stories about the libel case where MP Paul Flynn ran his mouth:
From CSC site
from icnetwork
from independent
from money.guardian
The libelists site: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/
Some tags:

and here is his apology:
Recently Paul Flynn was involved in a libel case where he made comments about an endowment pensions company, the result of which he had to pay out damages. He was sued after he posted an attack on such companies on his website, claiming they were out to "re-rob" the victims of endowment mis-selling by dishonestly over-charging them for their services.
But he made the mistake of referring to well-regarded company Endowment Justice Ltd, which represents mis-selling victims on a "no-win, no-fee" basis. The company and its directors sued and at London's High Court Mr Flynn made a public apology for the "unjustified attack" on the claimants' integrity.
The MP as part of the settlement put the following statement on his website: On this website in February this year, I made certain statements referring to Endowment Justice Limited, one of the companies which offers assistance in obtaining compensation for those people who were mis-sold endowment policies. I have been campaigning against companies providing professional services in relation to endowment policy compensation claims, but my facts about Endowment Justice were incorrect. As a result, I wrongly accused the company and its directors Nick Keca, Marianne Fitzjohn and Graeme Webber of having previously mis-sold endowment policies and now dishonestly overcharging those self-same victims to help them obtain compensation. I am happy to clarify that neither Endowment Justice Ltd or any of its directors were ever involved in any aspect of endowment policy selling. It was therefore false and unfair to suggest that they had profited from the historic mis-selling of endowment policies. I was also incorrect in stating that Endowment Justice, which offers its services in recovering compensation on a “no-win, no-fee” basis, could charge its customers up to 40% of any compensation gained. Endowment Justice in fact charge customers 17.5% plus VAT or 22.5% plus VAT of any compensation gained. I was wrong to give the unintended impression that the company or its directors acts in any way improperly or unlawfully in providing services to those seeking compensation for endowment policy mis-selling. I would like to apologise to Endowment Justice for my allegations, and to Mr. Keca, Ms. Fitzjohn and Mr. Webber for any embarrassment or distress caused by my false remarks.

2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

what a poisonous little twat you are.

Fidothedog said...

Ah, you must be either the libelist and proven lier Paul Flynn, or a Liebour support.

In which case if you think that an Mp who wants to fawn over a dictatorship that runs gas chambers for its own people - ref Mr Flynns plans to visit DNK - oh google camp 22 for dertails on DNK's gassing of its own people.

And you call me a twat, well read up on DNK and the moonbats and misguided old libelists who support them before you fire your comments you dull cunt.