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Taliban Lose - BBC Go Into Mourning.

KABUL, Afghanistan — NATO aircraft have killed more than 60 suspected insurgents over the last several days in an increasingly volatile southern Afghan province, the military alliance said Sunday.

Afghanistan's Ministry of Defense said 40 Taliban fighters were killed by NATO airstrikes in Helmand that "completely destroyed" a militant base in the district of Grishk on Saturday. Maj. Luke Knittig, a NATO spokesman, said the alliance also estimated that about 40 fighters were killed.

A NATO helicopter, meanwhile, fired on about 20 insurgents who had attacked a NATO patrol in neighboring Naw Zad district on Friday, killing 15 of the suspected insurgents, the alliance said.

In a third incident, an attack helicopter fired on a group of insurgents who shot at a support helicopter on Thursday, killing eight of the militants in nearby Sangin district, the statement said. There were no NATO casualties in the attacks.

**The BBC covered it this way reporting that "Taleban rebels" were killed - since when did drug dealing sociopaths who chop off heads become rebels? Then followed it up with a dig that numbers could not be "independently verified." before whining on about how hundreds of people had been killed in Afganistan this year, without mentioning that most of them were the drug peddlers of the Taliban.

I would also take this opportunity to have a dig at my looney ageing MP who it appears is starting to suffer from senility, a man who has called for drugs to be legalised, for our nation to abandon the people of Afganistan to the headchoppers, who has used the phrase "Our Vietnam" to describe the war in Afganistan despite the fact that our troops are doing rather well thank you very much . A man who is quite happy to make political capital out of the deaths of UK/US servicemen and women for his own ends, a proven liar and libelist. Paul Flynn MP you are wrong.

Terrorist scum lose(original story here)

Finally a well done to UK troops taking out another terrorist scumfuck in Iraq. Jihad denied for that motherfucker. British forces kill terrorist scum

BAGHDAD, Iraq - British forces shot and killed a leading al-Qaida terrorist Monday more than a year after he embarrassed the U.S. military by making an unprecedented escape from a maximum security military prison in Afghanistan, officials said.

Omar al-Farouq was gunned down after he opened fire on British forces during a raid on his home in Basra, 340 miles southeast of Baghdad, British forces spokesman Maj. Charlie Burbridge said.

Burbridge said he could not comment on whether it was the same man who allegedly led al-Qaida's Southeast Asia operations, citing British policy not allowing him to link an individual to a specific organization.

But a Basra police officer, speaking on condition of anonymity for security reasons, said it was the same man. The officer said al-Farouq entered Iraq three months ago, was known to be an expert in bomb making and went by the name Mahmoud Ahmed while in Basra.



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