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Team Hunting Illegal Migrants Being Disbanded

The hunt for more than 1,000 foreign prisoners illegally in the UK who were freed without being considered for deportation has been quietly wound down, even though hundreds are still on the loose and no one has a clue where they are.

The team of 60 police and probation and immigration officers who were spearheading the hunt have been disbanded. Officers have returned to normal duties (One would have assumed catching these people to be part of their normal duties?) and the police station they were using has been vacated.

  • Only 107 of the 1,023 have been found and considered for deportation, leaving 916 outstanding, although Home Office sources claimed that they knew where some of them were. Twenty of the 107 have been deported. The Home Office has refused to identify any of the criminals.
  • There are 93 robbers, 41 burglars, four kidnappers, more than 100 people with convictions for violence and more than 200 who were jailed for drugs offences.
  • Home Office data showed that 237 of the foreign criminals were failed asylum seekers and 54 were still having applications considered.
  • The Home Office is still not sure what offences 103 of the prisoners were jailed for and says it does not know how many have re-offended since being freed.
You could not make it up!

2 people have spoken:

BobG said...

I thought things were getting bad here in the US, with the unofficial invasion from central and south America, but it sounds as if the people running the UK are getting ready to hand over the keys to the government to the Mideastern immigrants.

Fidothedog said...

Yeah and the sad thing is that when as will happen one of these people ends up committing another crime this government of ours will wring its collective hands together, pass the buck and care not a damn about the victims