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UK Tolerance & Free Speech/Feck Mecca

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We have here in the UK a long tradition of free speech, hard won over many generations. In the link below we see people protesting who can not understand the concept of free speech when it is percieved to be against them, I am sure the irony of that is lost on them that they are using the right of public assembly to protest against someone elses views even if they did not understand the full meaning of what the Pope said, rather than listening to the whole speech they take one part out of context.

Not just protest mind you , but to intimidate, threaten and spout racial hatred against non muslims oh and burn a few churches down. And give them time and I am sure they will be burning down churches over here in the UK, all in the name of "tolerance" you understand.

I did think of publishing some of the photo's but lets face it do we really want to see any more bearded crazies spouting jihadi style hate, eyes a glaring, foam pouring from their rabid lips.
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The serious stuff is here: very-rushed-post.html

On a funnier note check this out for a giggle - unless your one of the dhimmi brigade or a bearded crazie in which case its time to either write a pissy letter to The Guardian/BBC or issue a fatwa.


"Tired" Pope Slams Uppitty Foreigners

An "emotional" Pope Benedict XVI has lashed out at protesting heathens in a shocking four-letter rant.

The emotional pontiff, addressing a crowd of forty thousand in Vatican City, pronounced himself "Sick to the fucking tits" following protests in Muslim countries over his recent, entirely reasonable comments on Islam.

Onlookers were astonished as Pope Benedict let rip with an x-rated rant.

Shaking his fist in the air, the Pope turned the air blue, exhorting protesting Muslims to "fuck right off" and urging them to "Come and have a go, if you've got the bollocks".

**Lastly check out the ever wonderfull Jesus & Mo 's(PBUH) take on this...http://www.jesusandmo.net/2006/09/18/fire/


3 people have spoken:

flyingrodent said...

I wrote that Fido, and my dhimmi ass is writing a letter to the Grauniad as I speak.

Anonymous said...

That's some funny stuff. I love the picture of the protests. These Muslims are from a different 'tribe' than the rest of us. We are civilized, that's the difference. We turned from the dark ages and repented, grew, improved, repented, ... they are still there.

I was upset with the Pope at first because I thought he had apologized but I see he really didn't. I hope he has come good Swiss guards outside his residences. The fatwa has been issued.

Fidothedog said...

Yeah thought I had to comment on the bearded crazies kicking off(again and again and again) on the Pope's comments.

What better way to offend them than humour, something that the bearded crazies lack.