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Green Party - Eco Rubbish

It seems that not a day go's past without some bearded doomsayer preaching that unless we all repent of our ways, give up the car (taxes from which supply lots of lovely money to the economy) , turn down our heat(again bills supply yet more money), give up modern conviences, holidays on evil jets of pollution(again supply more money - you get the picture) that within a few years/decades/centuries we will all die out.

Not happy that we refuse to live in tribal mud huts, eating nuts and twigs the greens and the loonies of the left think up ever more bizarre ways to scare the people into repenting of the evils of capitalism and well having a decent standard of living.

They blame us for the ills of other nations, now we have the latest wheeze from the eco loons. I quote their words on international trade:

"The environmental costs of long-distance trade need to be properly taken into account," said Dr Caroline Lucas, Green Party MEP for South East England.
Are right so not happy with the basic laws of supply and demand - something that has happened throughout human history they now want someone to work out the environmental cost - if any - of said trade. Of course I will have to be a bearded tree hugger, as of course anyone else will be part of the Bush/Hitler/Zionist consipracy.

One thing is what do you use as the starting point, the factory where goods are made? When it gets to the ship or plane? How do you get other nations to sign up and do we really need another raft of busy bodies probing into affairs at more expense to the taxpayers?

"We must manage international trade in a way which is socially and environmentally sustainable, working towards global agreement on a raft of measures such as taxation on fuel and import tariffs designed to support home-grown businesses.

"This will help offset the environmental damage caused by ships like the Emma Maersk plying international waters filled with MP3 players and plastic toys."
Ah! Now we see the Greens position. Up taxes on fuel thus forcing the satanic car off the roads, bugger up free trade as the tariffs they bring in bite. One point tariffs fail to work, first off you will get smuggling - just look at the fiasco regarding tabacco and beer duties with a large amount smuggled in each year.

Of course you have to buy into the whole man is evil, making money is killing "mother Earth" blame the Americans/anyone who did not sign Kyoto bullshit. The whole global warming arguement has reached hysteria levels with any desenting voices now feeling a bit like they are facing charges of heresy.

alas this will hit businesses abroad, thus crippling the poorest nations that are crying out to trade with us in the global market - those who can least afford to deal with tariffs.

Oh and one minor point the bearded tree huggers need to think about is threatening to stop the large scale supply of plastic toys and MP3 players is hardly the way to reach out to the public in order to get them on board your eco-horse pulled-bandwagon.



4 people have spoken:

Joubert said...

I came here via a comment you left on my blog. You're a breath of fresh air. It's warms my heart to see that not all Brits have succumbed to Big Brother. I lived there for 8 years and have a son there. Sadly he hates the USA. I'm glad you found my blog and I found your blog.

Fidothedog said...

Cheers for the comments, always good to get some feedback. Shame your son hates the US, were it not for the US then we here in the UK would have fallen under either the nazi's or soviet heel a long time back.

Cheers Fido,

Anonymous said...

i think the bavkbone of britian is it's amazing widlife which many tourists come to see

Anonymous said...

If Jesus were alive today there is no doubt He would have walked into the temple and shouted at the top of his voice "Get me a length of that hempen rope cos I'm gonna string me up a dirty hippy". The first to sucumb to the merciful release from a tortured life of eco-guilt would be the Archbishop of Canterbury, the weirdy beardy fuckwit.
Upon hoisting him slowly up from the nearest lamp post Jesus would then chant the favoured hymn of those who choose to follow the enlightened path:

"Fuck me and die a cripple,
Raise your glass and drink your tipple,
Put this wanker on the fire,
CO2 is fucking great.
Hip hip hooray".