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Paul Flynn MP- Supporting Commies No Matter What.

The dictatorship in North Korea has a friend in Newport MP Paul Flynn. Yes indeed Mr Flynn hardened old style labour(pinko commie) MP that he his has decided just to put off his previously planned visit to North Korea.

As he says on his site:

Sadly after, the delegates had their innoculations and learned the simple greetings in Korean, the trip was called off four days before we were due to fly to Beijing. Almost certainly the reason was the fear that North Korea were due to explode a nuclear device while we were there. Most of the delegation are very keen to organise another visit. Creating some understanding between our two countries is now even more important than ever.
Well gee thats fucking nice Paul, you are dead set against the UK having nuclear weapons in any way shape or form yet see no problem in visiting a terrorist state that is dying to get hold of them rather than feed its own people.

Must some form of New/Old Labour logic in there some place, if we hold nukes then we are wrong(no lets not argue its the blinkered drug addled views of Paul Flynn MP) yet if the murderers in North Korea(who declared war against the south without a formal declaration of war and to this day have not actually declared peace, just a ceasefire under US pressure and the fact they were losing said war) have them then well thats defending the socialist dream against the imperialist US or some such bollocks.

In the looney Mp's own words about his planned visit to the murdering scum that rule North Korea through fear and torture.

Its aim was to foster international understanding and peace.

On who's terms certainly not ours, maybe the pipe dream peace of the communist north whos people starve and vanish if they dare speak out, maybe the terms of the mad and few remaining communists in Europe who wank off over their copies of the manifesto(bring back old memorys Paul? Yes I know its most likely not gone up in your case since the fall of the Berlin Wall and millions of soviet slaves regaining their freedoms and picking the free west over socialist slavery) and not even the UN's who have condemmed North Korea for the nuke test and I thought the shit George Galloway was bad, yet have worse as my own elected MP.

Link to the pinko commie apologist: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/newsdetail.jsp?id=466

Link to the libelists anti US drivel: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/newsdetail.jsp?id=469
Link to Paul Flynn EDM's: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/hotnewsdetail.jsp?id=1109

My previous articles on the libelist:
ID cards: id-cards-list-of-mps-who-voted-yes.

media stories about the libel case where MP Paul Flynn ran his mouth:
From CSC site
from icnetwork
from independent
from money.guardian
The libelists site: http://www.paulflynnmp.co.uk/
Some tags:

A quick fucking reminder to Paul Flynn MP and all the other commie apologists, looney lefties and hug a fucking sociopathic murdering scumfuck dictator (in fact hug any repressive type over those who want freedom for the masses) to your breast over elected democratic leaders, check this out you arsehole:


Indeed if the MP Paul Flynn is so determined to get on his knees and blow the glorious leader of that dictatorship, maybe he should read up on how they treat people who fall into their hands, the North Korean troops broke every rule on the conduct of war, mistreated pow's and civilians.

For more info on North Korea's treatment of pow's: http://www.koreanwar-educator.org/topics/atrocities.htm#history


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