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Big Brother - The Carphone Warehouse pull out. - Also Charles Dunstones contact number

Well I have tried to ignore the general shitfest that is Big Brother but can no longer do so.

Seems that Carphone Warehouse the company behind the dire telecoms company Talk Talk(not if your on there "free" broadband you don't) have decided to pull out of Big Brother over the alleged racial remarks made by some of the chavscum contestants in Big Brother.

Secondly you know that the shit has hit the fan when even someone as dubious and shady as Charles Dunstone pulls out, rats leaving a sinking ship springs to mind. For more on the real sorry saga here, the poor customers of Talk Talk/Carphone Warehouse check out: http://talktalkhell.wordpress.com/

As for the so called racial abuse, lets be fair Jade and the others in the house are a bunch of ill educated media whores: They lack the ability to communicate with people of higher education, show their lack of understanding of alien cultures and whats worse reflect a massive failing in the UK education system in that it produces people like that.

Update:(23/Jan/2007): If you have had or still have a problem with any Carphone Warehouse product I know that Mr Dunstone cares, no seriously he does so stop laughing there at the back. After all this is the man who gave "free" broadband to the masses, yes I know it dropped out, took 18 months to get you up and running, they never had any modems, hid more costs than Gordon Brown has stealth taxes and when it went wrong you spent forever on the line to Indian tech support.

Ok I can see that you do not believe me - that I nice guy that I am have the solution to all your Carphone woes, so why not speak to the man himself, yes call Charles Dunstone the head of Talk Talk, yes the big cheese of the Carphone Warehouse on (+44) 07836200164 - ask for Charles, tell em Fido sent you...

As Oscar Wilde said: The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about

Charles Dunstone sayeth:

"Our concern has rapidly mounted about the broadcast behaviour of individuals within the Big Brother house."

"We are totally against all forms of racism and bullying, indeed I feel very strongly that the only place that any form of abuse should occur is in my call centres and those that I have contracted out to outside parties; and indeed this behaviour is entirely at odds with the brand values of The Carphone Warehouse."

"As a result, we feel that as long as this continues, we are unable to associate our brand with the programme. Thus now we can walk away feeling all smug and superior."

"Although we piss around our customers, charge them the earth and the stars and blame BT for everything, on this occasion we moved rather fast to cover our collective arses and protect the shareprice."

"On a personal note I would like to breath a sign of relief in that Ofcom are now getting far more complaints about Ms Goody than they are about my "free" broadband and alleged mis sales over my phone products, should her business empire come crashing down she can work in one of my shops any day, or maybe go around signing up people for Talk Talk in Tesco's."

"As someone who believes in open business, well unless you try to complaint about Carphone Warehouse that is, I feel that I should make it up to my few remaining customers who are all tied into 18 months of contract."

"Should you need to talk I am always there for you, well actually I am on my yacht but you know what I mean. I care, no I really do. I love each one of you that has paid for the big house, the chain of shops, the plush yacht and my flash motor. Oh and did I mention the yacht, oh yeah I did. Again thanks for paying for that."

"So come on give me a call and we will talk through all your problems, I will explain why having a crap telephone on the Opal network is a positive, how BT are evil, why you still can't get online. Call me on (+44) 07836200164 - ask for Charles."

or mail me at: DunstoC@cpwplc.com



1 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...


My anti-Islam blogs INFERNO = ISLAM and DYSTOPIA finished being HACKED.

It looks like a hacker on service to the Islamics erased anti-Islam sites.

They put out also the site JahMusic, which was linked to my 2 deleted anti-Islam blogs.

Also hacked my third blog with my photos.

At same day, the periodic site MĂ­dia Sem MĂĄscara ( Media Without Mask) was blocked 2 times.

The right-wing newspaper, which supports the War on Terror, is mine main information source for the files, with endless number articles attacking the islamism.

They already have my name and my face.

To any moment, I can appear dead.

Or then, sooner or later, I’m going to disappear.