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Get out and close the door behind you, Abu Qatada loses fight to stay.

Abu Qatada has lost his fight to stay in the land of the infidel. Always been amazed by that, they come to live here, with dubious claims or in Abu's case dubious paperwork, spout off about how bad things are then fight to stay in the land of ample benefits...

The home secretary welcomed the ruling, seen as the first test of a policy that seeks assurances deportees in terror cases will not be abused on return. Bit of a pity that he will not be tortured, should the government in Jordan need to torture him, well I am free on weekends. Just throw in a blowtorch, some meals and I'm your man.

The judgment by Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) chairman Mr Justice Ouseley said members had concluded there was "no real risk of persecution of [Qatada]" on his return.
The alleged al-Qaeda figure's lawyers said he could face torture at home but the UK said he was a security threat. Qatada, who has been convicted in Jordan for terror attacks, is to seek leave to appeal the deportation ruling. One can hope that his appeal fails and the next stop is the airport for him.

The usual suspects from the "Human Rights" crowd of Guardian readers, unwashed socialist worker sellers, moonbats and terrorist huggers have of course crawled out of the woodwork.

  • Human rights lawyer Gareth Peirce said it was a "profoundly important appeal" that could have ramifications across the world.
  • Libertys head moonbat Shami Chakrabarti, saying "paper promises" were not enough.
  • Amnesty International UK campaigns director Tim Hancock said the group was "profoundly concerned" Siac had discounted evidence showing the risk of torture if Qatada was returned to Jordan.

Qatada, 45, has spent most of the past five years in prison in the UK under anti-terrorism and immigration laws. His legal team comprised of bottom feeding lawyers claimed that part of the government's case against him was based on evidence extracted by torture. Oh the irony, a man who plots terror, plans to use torture, enjoys the cutting off of heads by Islamofascist scum claims that.
But on Monday the Siac members dismissed the case put by Qatada, also known as Omar Mahmoud Mohammed Othman.

Siac accepted Qatada had "long-established connections with Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda" and that he "held sway over extremists".

"He has given advice to many terrorist groups and individuals, whether formerly a spiritual adviser to them or not. His reach and the depth of his influence in that respect is formidable, even incalculable." the judgment said.

Qatada became one of the UK's most wanted men in December 2001 when he went on the run on the eve of government moves to introduce new anti-terror laws.

The Palestinian-Jordanian has always publicly distanced himself from claims of links to al-Qaeda and insists he has never met its leader, Osama Bin Laden. Well no doubt when he gets out of a prison in Jordan he can look up his old mate Osama.

Other scumbags removed from the UK:
Six to Algeria, one to France
Awaiting deportation: 23
Of which:
Four already lost appeals
Three withdrawn appeals
16 awaiting hearings or decisions
Source: Home Office

Toodle pip old chap and don't forget to wave on your way out of the UK.



2 people have spoken:

Anonymous said...

One thing for the Siac to uphold his deportation, anothing thing altogether for him to get on the plane. I just hope our notoriously slow deportation musclemen speed up in his case. The sooner he is removed from this country, the better for all.

Fidothedog said...

Well if they want any help dragged his bearded ass onto a plane, then HM Govt just needs to ping me a mail, cover me travel expenses any lo and behold one very bruised muslim gent shall be boarded onto a plane and not feeling to chipper.