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Local Council Rubbish Collection: Crap

Well it has to be said that the rubbish collection "service" provided by Newport City is a total farce. It has gone from twice a week to just the once and of course you have to put the correct rubbish in the correct bin(more on that later). Well we are all green now you now, unless its something that has to go in the blue bin. Oh and we also have a few orange bins as well, but so we don't get to confused here that is all I am going to say re the orange bins.

Ok fair enough on that, after all its not rocket science. Now the latest dictate from the Peoples Socialist Republic of Newport is that they are not happy is the main wheely bin is overfull.(Yes we have a main bin, plus a green box bin and a blue box bin). Yep if the bins lid is not level then they wont collect it. One empty pizza box sticking out of the top and its "Sorry gov but well its 'elf and hygiene innit. Can't be moving that."

Yep thats right, overfill the bin and the bin people just leave it. Quite how they expect a family to then produce no rubbish for the next week and remove the overflow I do not know?

No problem as far as I am concerned, I shall just ram it down harder so that the bin closes fine. Some people I know resort to popping in stuff in other bins, I let the family next door use mine as despite their asking the comrades in the council for an extra bin months ago, as of yet still no joy!

So long as the lid is flat all well and good. Play the bastards at their own petty rules and regulations I say.

Easy enough when its just me and my better half. However what are you supposed to do, if its you and the wife, plus a few kids? After all a simple bit of logic should tell the socialist rulers in the council that more people will generate more rubbish, maybe I should not point that out as then they may insist on charging everyone a separate amount on top of the council tax.

But back to this latest dictate from the powers in the office, maybe I should remind them that the collection of bins is one of the things we pay our ever increasing community charge for.

Mind you collection is a loose word here, see many a time I have seen the bin people leave bins laying flat on there side, boxes half empty, rubbish scattered across the roads. Many a bin day morning I have played the not so fun game of "hunt the bin", along with pick up the rubbish that the council employees have left laying there.

Oh and lets also mention that if - god forbid - someone puts something in the wrong box (yes we have green and blue boxes for paper/tins, bottles and the like) and yes it will end up being left there. I kid you not, I have seen the collectors pick up everything else from a box, bar the offending article (we shall use paper for this example)that someone has put in the wrong box and - then if they have to move it out to get the correct stuff out -then put that paper back in the wrong box afterwards right back where it started.

Never you mind that they may have another box filled with paper right next to it. After all rules are rules comrade!

Petty bloody wankers.



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